You Know You Are A Child Of The 70's If:

alabama mike

Just Win Baby!
You had a mood ring.
You remember the days when safe sex meant my parents are going to be out of the house for awhile.
A three piece suit without a tie, collar out or a lesiure suit was the style.
Every time its cold outside you are reminded of the Farrah Fawcett majors poster.
JJ (Die-no-mite) Evans was a role moder in the Chicago housing projects and it really was Good Times!
Riding in a station wagon facing the cars behind you in the tail gunners position.
Wide ties, bell bottoms and platform shoes.
The Mamas and the Papas had nothing to do with your mom and dad.
The Big Red Machine was not Russia
You have recently horrified yourself by using one of your parents pet phrases with your children or grandchildren.

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When green and orange patterns still don't seem that strange...

The Dean Martin roasts started with a background like this:

Then in...'73 (?) they went to this:

Also, you probably remember what the Welcome Wagon was.

Btw, there is yet another...stupid fb quiz called What Is Your 70's Anthem? I wound up with December '63.
You might be a child of the sixties if

Your favorite beer drinking song was 'Satisfaction',

You remember that the first Mustang was the 1964 1/2 model,

To you Swinging Medallions was a band, not bling on a chain,

A great Alabama player was totally identified to you by only his first name 'Leroy' ...
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