| FTBL What's going on at Hoover High School?

The American male is being feminized and castrated more and more everyday..They want them to challenge men from China, Russia, The Middle East, Central America ect ect…America will fall..Keep on eatin them soybeans!

I agree with you as a whole, but bereding a kid like that is just a man that can't control his emotions and using his power to feel tough. Go grav his daddy like that and see how tough you feel, because I can promise you one thing, I'm coming at him with whatever it takes to put him in the hospital if he messes with my kid like that. It's one thing to raise men and leaders, it's another to be a punk mother fucker and just bully people because you hold their future or some kind of result in your hands.
I agree with you as a whole, but bereding a kid like that is just a man that can't control his emotions and using his power to feel tough. Go grav his daddy like that and see how tough you feel, because I can promise you one thing, I'm coming at him with whatever it takes to put him in the hospital if he messes with my kid like that. It's one thing to raise men and leaders, it's another to be a punk mother fucker and just bully people because you hold their future or some kind of result in your hands.
That is what is wrong now.. I hope God forbid your son (or daughter now) is not drafted into these wars we are going to get into..Those foreign people came up hard… and fathers and mothers ain’t gonna save them… People have got to toughen up this generation… That is why we won wars in the past because “people came up hard and tough”…Some of the 20+ year old still want their mommy and daddy to bail them out… you would be doing your son no favors… or yourself for that matter… These people have got to learn to overcome a bully on their own… And that incident up there happened in the time you played ball (or not)…Now what that boy done that he may get ran off the team by his peers..
One thing I loved about Saban is that he never apologized for hard coaching!… the soy boy media tried everything they can to turn people against him for that, when he got up in AJ McCarron‘s face and smacked his ass….The media thought the had him… But he never relented….the best part was AJ McCarron basically told them to fuck off and mind their own business….
That is what is wrong now.. I hope God forbid your son (or daughter now) is not drafted into these wars we are going to get into..Those foreign people came up hard… and fathers and mothers ain’t gonna save them… People have got to toughen up this generation… That is why we won wars in the past because “people came up hard and tough”…Some of the 20+ year old still want their mommy and daddy to bail them out… you would be doing your son no favors… or yourself for that matter… These people have got to learn to overcome a bully on their own… And that incident up there happened in the time you played ball (or not)…Now what that boy done that he may get ran off the team by his peers..

We can say raise them up hard, but the Armed Forces will also have you not jumping a superior officer, and I wouldn't expect that to be the case here. I'm calling the coach a bully, not the players. Grabbing a face mask or a pop on the rear isn't anything I'm worried about or didn't experience myself, but getting shoved to the ground and being towered over was nothing I ever endured and I doubt I would have ever challenged a coach at that age either because I was raised to respect authority figures. My dad would have put this guy in the hospital and potentially dead in a dumpster if he ever saw me get handled like that by a grown man when I was in high school or younger.
Okay I understand screaming and getting in a kid's face, but teabagging a kid? Are you a 12 year old playing Halo? You're an adult. Act like an adult.

Yeah that part was weird and certainly unnecessary. And I'm assuming that's what he was doing, odd they trimmed the clip when they did... but that's what it looks like... The immediate narrative that went out and the video that followed, didn't exactly match up...
I just hope, for that players sake, that the majority of the team “doesn’t really like” those coaches…because if they do, the young man’s playing days may be over ( at the school )…
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