What the hell does my soliciting sign mean?


so I have a sign on my front door that says, No soliciting, handbills, advertisements.

Just get a knock on the door from some guys with some kind of church sticker on their shirts. I opened the door and said I'm not interested (typically I don't answer it). They rolled there eyes and said ok.

Closed the door and asked my wife, are they not teaching reading/comprehension skills in school anymore.

Why is there message more important than my message...sheeze.
so I have a sign on my front door that says, No soliciting, handbills, advertisements.

Just get a knock on the door from some guys with some kind of church sticker on their shirts. I opened the door and said I'm not interested (typically I don't answer it). They rolled there eyes and said ok.

Closed the door and asked my wife, are they not teaching reading/comprehension skills in school anymore.

Why is there message more important than my message...sheeze.
Why do you hate God?
Caught one last weekend in the backyard. Holding one when it makes that noise is pretty weird feeling.

One day many years ago I went along with door to door salesmen on a job interview. Long story short basically I was lied to about what the job was until I was in the car with the dude. At that point I said fuck it might as well do this, it'll be an experience. So I did. The point... he ignored all no-soliciting signs and told me everyone does.
We have a sign in my neighborhood that prohibits solicitation, and it usually works.

About a year ago I had some dude knock selling magazine scripts. I said no, he asked if I had any water because it was hot. I said no and closed the door.

Maybe a month later same thing, but with a relatively attractive girl. I said no to the magazine but when she asked for water I gave her a bottle and told her she could come in to get out of the heat for a bit if she wanted. She just took the water though.

I started thinking back, and I bet it was some sort of experiment on who would give water to guys v. girls or something.
One day many years ago I went along with door to door salesmen on a job interview. Long story short basically I was lied to about what the job was until I was in the car with the dude. At that point I said fuck it might as well do this, it'll be an experience. So I did. The point... he ignored all no-soliciting signs and told me everyone does.
Wow, was this a job in "advertising"? If so, the exact same thing happened to me about 15 years ago. Talked up all this money they make, got in the car, drove 2 hours and i realized this is a door to door effin salesman job. It was so hot and miserable.
Wow, was this a job in "advertising"? If so, the exact same thing happened to me about 15 years ago. Talked up all this money they make, got in the car, drove 2 hours and i realized this is a door to door effin salesman job. It was so hot and miserable.

Wow. Exact same thing happened to me. Told me how there was so much money to be made and put me with their top "guy". Dude pulled me in his office when I first got there and told me he drives a Bentley and paid cash for it with the money he made doing this. Next thing I know I'm riding with this guy selling shit door to door.

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Wow. Exact same thing happened to me. Told me how there was so much money to be made and put me with their top "guy". Dude pulled me in his office when I first got there and told me he drives a Bentley and paid cash for it with the money he made doing this. Next thing I know I'm riding with this guy selling shit door to door.
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Hahaha, we were selling pizza coupons....really. It was a good deal, but i kept thinking why were we not selling these at a college.
You guys didn't happen to buy peavey speakers out of the back of a van did you? They were left over from a home theater installation and the installers had to sell them cheap before they went back to their employers warehouse.

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We have a sign in my neighborhood that prohibits solicitation, and it usually works.

About a year ago I had some dude knock selling magazine scripts. I said no, he asked if I had any water because it was hot. I said no and closed the door.

Maybe a month later same thing, but with a relatively attractive girl. I said no to the magazine but when she asked for water I gave her a bottle and told her she could come in to get out of the heat for a bit if she wanted. She just took the water though.

I started thinking back, and I bet it was some sort of experiment on who would give water to guys v. girls or something.

be careful about doing anything like that.

when i was young, one of my first jobs was as a pizza delivery guy (made a crap-load of money but it was hell on the car). a guy i worked with was invited in out of the heat one day by an attractive woman. he went inside and she gave him some ice-water. he came back telling all of us how hot she was and generally feeling good about himself.

the next day, he was told that she filed a complaint and was talking about calling the cops about what he did to her...of a sexual nature (not rape, but touching and grabbing when she kept saying "no"). she eventually said she was lying and just trying to get money. but it goes to show that some people will say anything; and without a witness on your behalf, there's no one else to dispute their story of being the victim.
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