What should I do with my domain name - crimsonti.de?


So I need my fellow Tide fan's help. I've been contemplating purchasing the domain name crimsonti.de for a few months now and finally just pulled the trigger a few days ago. Only problem is I'm not sure exactly what or how I want to use it so I'd I'm open for any and all ideas.

Before anyone goes off on some rant about me trying to "steal" users from Roll Tide Bama let me just say that I am completely uninterested in using my domain name as a forum. I've thought about using it as a conglomerate of all, IMO, good Tide news sources (i.e. ESPN, CBS, GrantLand, Twitter Accounts, etc.), but that just sounds kind of boring to me.

Throw some ideas at me. Anything you can think of. If you'd like to talk further or you're interested in helping me the site in some form or fashion feel free to shoot me an email any time at wade@crimsonti.de.

Ready.. shoot.
Not a big deal if you were.

Talked w another fan sevetal months ago about a statistical data base on Bama...be a hell of a long build but unique

What type of stats or what the the overall purpose of the website be? Just going and having the ability to query up X stat?
In a sense, yes.

If I were to ask who was the leading rusher in the 1980 season how long would it take you to find that answer? Where would you go to find it?

All time leading rusher? Etc.

I know where to find those things, but when it comes to the archives of what Bama has done there's not one site that has all of those—that's easily found.
On a slightly different note, there's one site I have used in the past and found it very useful. EXCEPT, the guy who runs it hasn't done a good job keeping it online as of late. It's sad he's just let it go...heck of a lot of info could be found here.

In a sense, yes.

If I were to ask who was the leading rusher in the 1980 season how long would it take you to find that answer? Where would you go to find it?

All time leading rusher? Etc.

I know where to find those things, but when it comes to the archives of what Bama has done there's not one site that has all of those—that's easily found.
On a slightly different note, there's one site I have used in the past and found it very useful. EXCEPT, the guy who runs it hasn't done a good job keeping it online as of late. It's sad he's just let it go...heck of a lot of info could be found here.


Yeah, I assumed that's what you meant. If I didn't see that donate button on the home page I'd see if he could unload the database for us, but I'm sure he worked his ass off and wouldn't be interested in that.

I know Tide stats aren't the easiest thing to come by. It would be nice if there were several API's we could pull from to populate everything.
As of right now, I don't know if there are API that could be pulled from. I didn't research it to that extent.

The issue, as I saw it, was the primary build. After that, it shouldn't take more than an hour or so per week to update during the season. For the lack of a better way to put it, the input would resemble something like Excel...IE: just add carries, yards, touchdown, receptions, etc. for a running back and it fills in all the necessary fields for year-to-date and career. It would take some coding...

I couldn't tell you what the guy that owns that site might say. A little less than a year ago he had the same issue. I shot him an email asking if he was planning on having the site "work" again. He did in a few weeks. BUT, it was only for a few weeks and boom, crashed again.

He has to be using some system to update that database—it seems to extensive to do by himself.
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