What is your game day routine?

Up until last year I wore the same underwear every game day. (They fell apart). I also wore the same Bama shirt up until two years ago, but it wore out as well. I have been trying new combinations of things.
I wake up, shower, drink, go to Quad, drink more, eat whatever we cook, drink more, go to stadium, drink more, stumble back to car, ride home, sleep.

If I don't go to the game, I cookout at the house and drink heavily.
on ANY game day:
each year i buy a "game day shirt". that shirt is not worn until the first game of the season and is only worn on game days. after the season is over, i will start to wear the shirt on any other day, but NOT until then. i have houndstooth boxers that i wear (i have a new pair this year as the old ones were.....well let's just say they had some miles on them ;)). i have a game day hat that i wear (same deal as the shirt), and this year i still need to get one. my shoes are normally my new balance 990s, but this year i have a pair of the ALABAMA nikes so i'll be wearing those on game days.

on days i go to the game:
wake up about 5 hours before the game begins (unless it's a night game, then i'm obviously up way before that). leave 4 hours before the game starts to meet my sister. she leaves her car and rides with me. get there within the hour, park, take the Crimson Ride to the Quad. as soon as we get off the bus, i get a program. then we take a walk over to Ferguson Center to look around (shop) in the Supe Store. about an hour before game time, we make the walk over towards the stadium. get into the stadium about 40 minutes before the game and sign along to SWEET HOME ALABAMA and cheer during the pre-game video (sucks that they're not gonna play DIXIELAND DELIGHT anymore :eyeroll:). watch the game, cheer like hell. STAY UNTIL THE CLOCK READS 00:00.....NO MATTER THE SCORE!!! (never could understand those that leave a game early, even if we're winning 60-0.)

on days i go just to tailgate:
wake up about 5:00 am. meet the crew at the Jack's down the street from me at 5:45 am, hit the drive thru there and get my standard steak biscuit and dr pepper. we leave PRECISELY at 6:00 am. we've left people behind, before, who somehow couldn't be there at the time we told them to. make the drive down, park (for free.....ALWAYS!). then we unload the rest of our gear.
me and someone else have gone down the day before to take the tents (6), tables (6) chairs (~15) and other non-food items; except for the tv and satellite receiver, that comes down on saturday with us.
after getting to our spot on the quad (which is usually in the exact same spot every, single time), we get the rest of the stuff set up (table cloths on tables, chairs set out, tv/satellite set up, start preparing the food for the day).
after all that, i go to get my program then walk over to Ferguson Center to look around (shop) in the Supe Store. after that, we head back to base camp (tailgating spot) and just chill out for a while until we all get hungry then we start makin' some food (usually just some burgers or dogs). if it's a night game or homecoming, we usually have people bring a ton of food and do it up right. after the game, it's break-down time. most of the crew leaves so me and a couple other guys can take down the stuff without too much interference. when we get all the tables, tents, tv/satellite, and food packed up, we walk over to get our vehicles and begin loading everything up. both vehicles (my f-150 and his jeep cherokee) are usually loaded out totally full. then we make the drive home...

no matter what game day it is:
i have a playlist on my phone titled "ROLL TIDE" that i listen to on game days. if i'm at home, i just cue it up on my computer. if we're heading down to T-Town, i play it in my truck using bluetooth (love that feature, btw) and blast it all the way down. also, no one better call me while the game is on; unless it's a life-or-death situation. a good friend of mine got an ear full when he called me one time during a game. he said, "well, i just figured it was okay since it was halftime." uh, NO! not even during halftime.
Unless it's an 11:00 game, I play golf, come home oiled up pretty good (No homo), catch the tail end of hopefully watching the barn or Ucheat get their ass beat, drink more and holler much more during the game.

If going to the game, tailgate behind a business on Bryant drive, drink more at the game, if conscious enough, eat supper, then begin my coma at the hotel.
Home Game: I usually make me a heavy screwdriver and take the golf cart from forest lake neighborhood to the quad and ride around for a little bit checking out the tailgate scene. I usually head down to innisfree or another downtown bar around 45 minutes before kick off and start drinking and watching the end of other games. I usually watch most of the Bama game at innisfree and then head back home during the middle of the 4th so I dont get ran over by a drunk or stuck in traffic. By this point im shit faced and my wife has to drive, dodge traffic, work the radio for me, and make sure I dont fall off of the golf cart. If its a night game we take the cart back before hitting up the bars.

Away Game: Most of the time I just hang around the house and grill out/drink with friends. Sometimes if we dont have plans we will watch the away games at a bar.
What's on the playlist?
If I have to work Friday night my buddy comes over and we start ivs on each other. 2 liters normal saline. 4mg disentgrating zofran under the tongue. Beer all day long until I must sleep. I drink lightly on night games during the day. Maybe catch a nap if the CBS game sucks.
If I don't have to work Fri night I only do 1/2 liter normal saline and zofran. Then I drink heavily.
Get up and watch GameDay and then depending on what time Bama plays, I usually work out in the yard or do something outside since it is my only free day. I always put on one of my Bama shirts, kick back in the recliner, have food nearby, watch the game, call my dad in Alabama at the half, text my two sons during the game and usually enjoy a Bama win.
What's on the playlist?

Halftime speech by Coach Bryant

Yea Alabama – MDB

Radio call from the 1967 “run in the mud” game

Dismissal – MDB

Roll Tide – Hans Zimmer

Rammer Jammer (Tennessee)

Radio call from 1972 tennessee game

Requiem for a dream (music from the pregame video)

Sweet Home Alabama – Lynyrd Skynyrd

Radio call from the 1985 Iron Bowl “The Kick”

Bama on the Radio – Tom Stipe

Radio call from 1989 ole miss game

Rammer Jammer (auburn)

radio call from 1996 Iron Bowl

Bama Anthem – 63 Boyz

Sweet Home Alabama (Dirty South version) – B.A.M.A.

Go Alabama - MDB

Dixieland Delight – Alabama

Big Yea Alabama – MDB

Radio call from 1992 SEC championship game

Yea Alabama Cheer

Radio call from 1998 lsu game

Low Rider – MDB

Roll Tide Roll – Tim Rushlow

Radio call from 1999 florida game (in “the swamp”)

Basketcase – MDB

Roll Tide Roll – Carter Hamric

Radio call from 1999 Iron Bowl (first win in jordan-hare stadium)

Bammy Bound/B-A-M-A Roll Tide Roll Cheer – MDB

Shout Cheer – MDB

My Home’s in Alabama – Alabama

Roll Tide – Roll Tide

Alama Mater – MDB
College Gameday during breakfast (get things done during useless Big 10 love fest), head to workshop and do projects while checking on other scores. Towards end of projects start drinking beer. 30 min before kick off take shower and put on game day shirt.
Actually have Directv coming tomorrow to install a second dish for workshop so I can watch games there.
I WANT THAT PLAYLIST. CD copy please and thank you :bigaldance:

You should market that.

i did make some CDs a few years go. they didn't have all those tracks on them, but they had about 20 of them (didn't have all of those songs at that time).

if i can find my stack of blank CDs in my storage, i'll certainly make you one and send it to you.
i did make some CDs a few years go. they didn't have all those tracks on them, but they had about 20 of them (didn't have all of those songs at that time).

if i can find my stack of blank CDs in my storage, i'll certainly make you one and send it to you.

I would be forever grateful!!! Thank you :notworthy
Home game - get up and drive. If taking my youngest, we hit Milo's on the way over, then eat Dreamland and, if the game ends early enough, hit a Milo's on the way back. I've driven like a man possessed to get the first Milo's you hit in Bham on the west end. Now that a T-town location is back it'll be easier for a Milo's x 2. My buddy lives in Northport, I drop there for a few drinks, his wife drops us at Tutwiler and we attend the game. Postgame, we wander past the strip to get picked up again, and depending on time and my condition I either crash in Northport, make it to the lakehouse in Pell City, or deadhead all the way back to GA.

I've seen the tailgate magic that Skeeter puts on - they do it right.

I need that playlist.


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