| FTBL What are the new NCAA roster limits?


Bama Fan since 1965 and counting....

Going into effect for the 2025-2026 season, there are new regulations on scholarship and roster numbers. The rule increases the number of full scholarships available from 85 to 105, but at the same time decreases the number of players the team is allowed to roster from 120 to 105.
What I have heard is no more gray, red shirts, walk on? Anything else?
What I have heard is no more gray, red shirts, walk on? Anything else?

Would likely put available scholarships at 105 players (instead of 85) and also cap the roster at 105 players (instead of 120). Other sports impacted as well, but still some unknowns on how it'll all shake out in the details (such as using partial scholarships and such, which is likely to continue and bleed into football). Will be interesting to see how the smaller revenue schools navigate all of it.
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