| FTBL Vols/Tigers over Tide/Dawgs?


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I have not quite understood CBS's avoiding Alabama as of late. It seems like since 2005 when we had CBS every week just about, they have hesitated to pick us up. I just can't see why, when they get first pick in the conference, they would rather pick up the Tenn/Aub game over what will likely be two undefeated top ten teams in Athens that Saturday. Anyone have an answer for this?
rolltyroll said:
I have not quite understood CBS's avoiding Alabama as of late. It seems like since 2005 when we had CBS every week just about, they have hesitated to pick us up. I just can't see why, when they get first pick in the conference, they would rather pick up the Tenn/Aub game over what will likely be two undefeated top ten teams in Athens that Saturday. Anyone have an answer for this?

ESPN contractually locked this game down before the season started (they can do this twice per year). It's far from a snub by CBS.
Somebody can correct me here......I think ESPN gets to choose 2 weeks prior to the season (with CBS aprroval of which weeks thus assuring CBS a quality game)in which they have 1st choice. ESPN chose this week and next week if Im not mistaken.

Its been this way for a couple of years I believe also.
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Somebody can correct me here......I think ESPN gets to choose 2 weeks prior to the season (with CBS aprroval of which weeks thus assuring CBS a quality game)in which they have 1st choice. ESPN chose this week and next week if Im not mistaken.

Its been this way for a couple of years I believe also.

Correct on all counts.
ESPN is god. If they want something they get it!!!

They actually know that they're talking about then, picking that week out of all the weeks. :shock:
Thank goodness!

I can't think of a worse or more irritating combination than Lundquist and Danielson.
AFF said:
Thank goodness!

I can't think of a worse or more irritating combination than Lundquist and Danielson.
That's true. Danielson does not like Bama, and his man-crush on Erik Ainge is downright embarrassing. I thought he was going to offer to "comfort" him after the pasting we put on UT last year.
I disagree. I enjoy the presentation by CBS. But, my favorite, by far, would have to be ESPN night games with the Franklin-Gottfried duo. Man, I wish they were still together. ESPN night games just seem to look better on my TV. :)
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
I disagree. I enjoy the presentation by CBS. But, my favorite, by far, would have to be ESPN night games with the Franklin-Gottfried duo. Man, I wish they were still together. ESPN night games just seem to look better on my TV. :)
Then you have not heard Gottfried call a game lately.

He has slipped far, far from his prime; and he barely acceptable now. Am not sure if his decline is from a medical problem or the result of his personal lifestyle. Slurred speech, misidentified players (less acceptable from a color guy who has time to view and review the action before commenting), and just totally inaccurate explanations were some of the issues he had last year (have not seen him do a game this season).

In his prime Gottfried was just a perfect fit for Southern-style football (as was and is Franklin I agree). But Gottfried is just a shell of his former self.
AFF said:
I heard he had a stroke back in like 2004. The guy does pretty well considering his handicap.

That is news to me. Wasn't it like 2005 when he and Franklin were kickin' it in the booth? Maybe I just didn't notice that he was slurring because I was about a 12-pack deep by 6:45 back in those days. :D
bamafan4ever said:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Somebody can correct me here......I think ESPN gets to choose 2 weeks prior to the season (with CBS aprroval of which weeks thus assuring CBS a quality game)in which they have 1st choice. ESPN chose this week and next week if Im not mistaken.

Its been this way for a couple of years I believe also.

Correct on all counts.

Who wants to bet CBS thought Bama would be 2-1 going into this weekend?
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