| CURRENT EVENTS Video resurfaces..lol

I find it funny that the guy who discussed no policy at the DNC, who has now started copying Trump's popular stances and claiming them as his own and who is now making all kinds of claims about what he said should be done about Coronavirus is a confirmed, "Plageriser", political copycat and bold faced liar about his accomplishments.

But you are also correct.. the fact he is showing very similar characteristics to my mother.. who has onset demensia is very troubling.
Every time he speaks he loses me.

He can't even recall how many grandkids he has.

His wife is the "backbone like a ramrod". What the hell does this mean?

And this one... if POTUS Trump said this shit to Errol he'd be labled a racist.

Isn't calling someone a jew considered derogatory and racist?
It would depend entirely on the context. Jew in and of itself is no more racist than calling me Irish. Capiche? Couple it with a modifier and voìla, you have a racist statement. Unless it happens to be factual, which is where the ADL and others immediately fall on the tried and worn method of calling out racist instead of debating the issue.

I would tend to agree with you if you are referring to Jacob Blake Sr. His track record is replete with such.
There is a theory running around that Biden will step down in favor of Harris as soon as he can. That he is running basically to get her elected now. The more I see him, and especially after both saying Harris-Biden and Harris Administration instead of Biden-Harris and Biden Administration yesterday, the far-fetched seems more believable.
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