| CURRENT EVENTS USS Liberty Survivors demand investigation

Truth and sailors were sacrificed to “our greatest ally” in the ME.

It was merely an accident !!..the pilots of the Israeli Air Force simply forgot their glasses.. they couldn’t tell that they were attacking a clearly identified American ship… Nevermind the frantic radio transmissions to the Israeli military.. could’ve been sunspots back then..

If you believe it was on purpose…well, I guess you must be anti-Semitic or something..
As soon as I saw the word "Zionist" I didn't click. "Zionist state of Israel" doesn't make any sense, at all.
And why doesn't that make sense to you? You are aware of the history of its founding, are you not? Are you unable to conceive of an Israel that joined the rest of the democratic West who funds it by creating a separation between church and state, and race and state?
Define Zionist.
It’s not up to me to define. It’s been defined by its founders and promoters throughout history. This isn’t a philosophical or metaphysical discussion about what love or truth means.

My point is Israel doesn’t have to be a Zionist ethnostate and theocracy. Get rid of the two-state solution BS which Israel’s extremists have long exploited as a means to gradually expel the native Arabs parcel-by-parcel, conflict-by-conflict. Israel’s Western benefactors could demand a one-state solution, not Zionist but a cosmopolitan Western style democracy welcome to all religions and races. Of course the most influential actors involved would never agree to that because the Jewish Zionist population in Israel-Palestine would be instantly outnumbered by Arabs + anti-Zionist Jews. And Israel would no longer be a “Jewish” state. This is also why Israel avoids defining its borders and remains an occupying power in Gaza and West Bank. It doesn’t want to be confined to borders because its expansionist intentions would be even more obvious and egregious to everyone.
It’s not up to me to define. It’s been defined by its founders and promoters throughout history. This isn’t a philosophical or metaphysical discussion about what love or truth means.

My point is Israel doesn’t have to be a Zionist ethnostate and theocracy. Get rid of the two-state solution BS which Israel’s extremists have long exploited as a means to gradually expel the native Arabs parcel-by-parcel, conflict-by-conflict. Israel’s Western benefactors could demand a one-state solution, not Zionist but a cosmopolitan Western style democracy welcome to all religions and races. Of course the most influential actors involved would never agree to that because the Jewish Zionist population in Israel-Palestine would be instantly outnumbered by Arabs + anti-Zionist Jews. And Israel would no longer be a “Jewish” state. This is also why Israel avoids defining its borders and remains an occupying power in Gaza and West Bank. It doesn’t want to be confined to borders because its expansionist intentions would be even more obvious and egregious to everyone.
Screenshot 2024-06-17 6.07.54 PM.png
In other words, Israel’s expansionists have always perversely relied on conflict and threats (real or fabricated) as a vital lifeline. This is why Bibi has been clamoring for the US to attack everyone in their neighborhood on their behalf for decades now since Likud grabbed a hold of Israeli power, and why he’s tried frightening Americans about Iran’s alleged nuke program which never manifested despite decades of scare tactics. Expansionists always need to hide their schemes behind veils of supposed neighboring threats. Hence they manufacture threats in order to justify their schemes to a public who would have otherwise opposed the policies by themselves.
Q1: A person who believes in the protection of a Jewish nation. @musso I'm looking...can't find a reason for not supporting people to live.
Groups of people, races, religions, nations, governments, states, organizations, corporations, etc., don’t have inalienable rights to life. Only individuals do. Read your Declaration of Independence to see that states may or may not deserve to exist. The “right” of a Brooklyn Jew to “return” to Israel and move into a house stolen from a Palestinian family is as fraudulent as an African-American’s right to reparation checks in 2024.
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Zionist=The people that claim to be “Real Israelites” but a not.. Jews was a made up term..The ones that worship the Talmud are fake Israelites and are known as the synagogue of Satan…And they will know God’s wrath..
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