Unlimited Milo's Sauce!

It Takes Eleven

Quoth the Raven...
My boys and I are crazy for Milo's, and having lived in GA we don't get to eat there very often. I was able to make it by the Inverness location off 280 last week and noticed they had revamped the store with new signage, themed advertising in the store and such. They must've hired a marketing or consulting firm to help them rebrand, and it really looks good.

The most striking thing is that they no longer ration their sauce, there's a self serve island in the middle of the store. That was a nice change, as well as the self serve drink station so you don't have to stand in line for a tea refill.

My boys are going to put the hurt on them with the unlimited sauce their next time over. Has this been changed like this in all their stores?


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