Yeah, I've been watching it. I'm still not sure what I think of the show, it has potential...not sure if they are going to tap into it though.

I watch alot of the FX shows, have for years.

I have been recording it and watch it when I get some free time. Its pretty cool watching a "dr." go back to his country after living in the states for 20 years and then end up being his brothers second in command. The ladies aren't bad either.
Yeah, I've been watching it. I'm still not sure what I think of the show, it has potential...not sure if they are going to tap into it though.

I watch alot of the FX shows, have for years.

Ditto, here. The Shield is still one of my favorite tv series.

I'm not completely sold on Tyrant yet. It seems like the writers and producers are trying to walk a very thin line, which is very unusual for a F/X series.
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