| FTBL Tubbies & Hoggies Coincidence


HEY Get up your killing the grass!
Tubby Stopped negotiations then went to Arkansas.
Their news sources reported it was a done deal.
Tubby has not commented on rumors yea or nay.
Arkansas has not commented on rumors yea or nay.
One school state vs heavy recruiting competition.
Still no contract with Allbarn.
Allbarn has not announced contract agreement.
Last win over rival for a long time.
Recruiting not looking as good.
Arkansas not talking about other prospects.

Smells like bacon to me.
RollllTide! said:
Tubby Stopped negotiations then went to Arkansas.
Their news sources reported it was a done deal.
Tubby has not commented on rumors yea or nay.
Arkansas has not commented on rumors yea or nay.
One school state vs heavy recruiting competition.
Still no contract with Allbarn.
Allbarn has not announced contract agreement.
Last win over rival for a long time.
Recruiting not looking as good.
Arkansas not talking about other prospects.

Smells like bacon to me.

I will really be suprised if he leaves, though I must admit I can see why some people think he will leave.
They could get both of those for less than a set of ears.

Leach is good but I don't know about his style in the SEC.

Tuberville would be a nice fit at Arkansas but he's already made a lifetime commitment to Barn. I guess that's why he wanted the 6M buyout dropped. A concession at 4M now. He's pimping Barn and Arkansas. I suppose I could add Walton to that list. It's some of their $.
I want him to keep dragging his feet for as long as he can. CNS is KILLING him in recruiting because of this. If he really cared about Cowville like he claims he does, he would settle this so that they could get on with things. But WHATEVER! Enjoy your six in a row while you can!If we keep out recruiting him like this the TIDE will turn sooner than you might think! If I was a potential recruit right now, I would go to Troy before I would go to Auburn! Every day this drags on, the more obvious that they have some serious issues becomes!
crimsontradition14 said:
Hey Troy looks pretty good anyway because they are D1 now, and you can get early starting time. Also, they are pretty formidable.

I am highly impressed with the Men of Troy. Their coach, Auburn's own Larry BLakeney, is one heck of a smart coach. Did you see the fits he gave Georgia? A team that many would claim, deserve to be in the National Championship game. He hung in there and only lost to them 34-44. He beat the mess out of OK State. I mean OK State has a pretty decent team some years. Anyway, lets just hope that if TT heads to Sooowe Land that AU doesn't try and get this guy. Hey Auburn, if yall are reading this, I here Terry Bowden is out looking to be a coach again. I have to admit, I hated Terry Bowden more than Pat Dye and Wingnut combined. I swear, some games it was like yall had a baby hairless baboon for a coach. He would jump up and down more than the dadgum cheerleaders. SO yall bring him back. He probably aint going to be able to keep up his Travel Gnome job for much longer anyway. And yall need a coach and all. I don't know, maybe not. If I was Lowder, I would threaten to sue his sorry butt and make him coach one more year and then after he lost every game I would fire his sorry behind. But thats just me, Barners don't think like that. All they care about is beat Alabama and blah blah 6 in a row and they have only won one freaking SEC championship with him. Heck, even Dubose was able to win one SEC Championship. AND if I remember correctly, Dubose had Wingnuts number and one Mr. Steve Spurriers too!
crimsontradition14 said:
Hey Troy looks pretty good anyway because they are D1 now, and you can get early starting time. Also, they are pretty formidable.

I am highly impressed with the Men of Troy. Their coach, Auburn's own Larry BLakeney, is one heck of a smart coach. Did you see the fits he gave Georgia? A team that many would claim, deserve to be in the National Championship game. He hung in there and only lost to them 34-44. He beat the mess out of OK State. I mean OK State has a pretty decent team some years. Anyway, lets just hope that if TT heads to Sooowe Land that AU doesn't try and get this guy. Hey Auburn, if yall are reading this, I here Terry Bowden is out looking to be a coach again. I have to admit, I hated Terry Bowden more than Pat Dye and Wingnut combined. I swear, some games it was like yall had a baby hairless baboon for a coach. He would jump up and down more than the dadgum cheerleaders. SO yall bring him back. He probably aint going to be able to keep up his Travel Gnome job for much longer anyway. And yall need a coach and all. I don't know, maybe not. If I was Lowder, I would threaten to sue his sorry butt and make him coach one more year and then after he lost every game I would fire his sorry behind. But thats just me, Barners don't think like that. All they care about is beat Alabama and blah blah 6 in a row and they have only won one freaking SEC championship with him. Heck, even Dubose was able to win one SEC Championship. AND if I remember correctly, Dubose had Wingnuts number and one Mr. Steve Spurriers too!
rammajamma said:
crimsontradition14 said:
Hey Troy looks pretty good anyway because they are D1 now, and you can get early starting time. Also, they are pretty formidable.

I am highly impressed with the Men of Troy. Their coach, Auburn's own Larry BLakeney, is one heck of a smart coach. Did you see the fits he gave Georgia? A team that many would claim, deserve to be in the National Championship game. He hung in there and only lost to them 34-44. He beat the mess out of OK State. I mean OK State has a pretty decent team some years. Anyway, lets just hope that if TT heads to Sooowe Land that AU doesn't try and get this guy. Hey Auburn, if yall are reading this, I here Terry Bowden is out looking to be a coach again. I have to admit, I hated Terry Bowden more than Pat Dye and Wingnut combined. I swear, some games it was like yall had a baby hairless baboon for a coach. He would jump up and down more than the dadgum cheerleaders. SO yall bring him back. He probably aint going to be able to keep up his Travel Gnome job for much longer anyway. And yall need a coach and all. I don't know, maybe not. If I was Lowder, I would threaten to sue his sorry butt and make him coach one more year and then after he lost every game I would fire his sorry behind. But thats just me, Barners don't think like that. All they care about is beat Alabama and blah blah 6 in a row and they have only won one freaking SEC championship with him. Heck, even Dubose was able to win one SEC Championship. AND if I remember correctly, Dubose had Wingnuts number and one Mr. Steve Spurriers too!

I don't think he will leave. He could actually create a power house down at Troy with the right funding. Troy will be where he leaves his mark I think.
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