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The People's Champ
Season 2



Ep 6 - Church in Ruins

Much better ep. There was the party sex party scene as well as the discussion between VV character and CF. With 2 more eps to go this season seems like it is just getting started, what could/should have been. Hopefully they come with some better ideas for season 3 or just cancle it all together. Such a shame after such an epic first season.
We've discussed it on the old board, but I didn't have high expectations going into this season because I knew it would not live up to the first season. I just can't stay interested in this season and like you said, it really seems like we are just getting started. I think this season was just trying to hard to be dark and mysterious with the characters and their backgrounds, and not enough plot development.

I just know that when I watch, I often find myself playing on my phone or walking off without thinking, just because it doesn't keep me glued to the screen like last year.
Is Vaughn the reason this season doesn't look good to you guys? We won't see it til it's available on Netflix. I agree with Mr. Pink; it seems pretty difficult to follow the smash that season one was.

I have a bad feeling Fargo will turn out to be the same way.
Usually spinoffs don't work well either, but Saul was absolutely amazing and probably my favorite new show. You're right about Fargo, it won't have the star studded cast either, but I'll be watching nonetheless.
Is Vaughn the reason this season doesn't look good to you guys? We won't see it til it's available on Netflix. I agree with Mr. Pink; it seems pretty difficult to follow the smash that season one was.

I have a bad feeling Fargo will turn out to be the same way.

He isn't really the reason, although the dialogue they gave him was heavy handed, which hurts his character. The main difference in S1 and S2, they went from 2 main characters to 4 main characters. It took them too long to flesh out that many characters, which hurt fleshing out the plot.
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I'm not a VV fan anyway, but his dialogue in this season is horrible. He speaks in short, intense sentences.

I have to make a play.
If I dont,
The trees, the present from the stork, it's a moot point.
I gotta go work.

It's very annoying
I liked the first season, but didn't really care for the ending, almost feel let down for how season 1 ended.

Season 2 started out slow, but it appears to be picking up some momentum. Hopefully they don't shut it down like our running game...
I thought you had been watching Season 2? So confused. :doh2:

I like the character as it's developed. I'm likely a bit biased due to ... well, I like her as an actress.

Now, as to SE:2? I've not made up my mind yet. I thought they were about to step up the script a notch when Farrell was shot ... IF they'd killed him off this season would likely be getting better reviews.

I have a bad feeling Fargo will turn out to be the same way.

It won't be due to casting. With the Coen brothers still involved I'd bet chances are good it'll be another nice little mini-series. Look over the cast when you get a chance...big names, good actors.
Ep 7:

Well CF finally tapped that. Prob should have just hit it when she was drugged up and said bitch you come hoping on me like you want some and think im not going to hit it. You better ask some body hoe. But he didnt, he was a gentleman and waited until she was of clear mind and judgement. Props.......i guess.

Fight scene with the fag cop was very fake and lame. Knew he was going to get clocked walking out the door but i guess the slow motion was an easy indicator as such. VV scenes were about the only thing worth a damn. Watching him go fuck the world im just going to burn it all the ground was the shows only saving grace. I dont look forward to the finale, but i look forward to an end.
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