| LIFE The media is so hell bent on breaking Trump


Shame on Melania for posing naked early in her career but Stormy and Karen's past are irrelevant as long as it takes down the POTUS.

What a bunch of bullshit and it's sad our media goes to this level. What happened to being impartial and reporting the news?
Shame on Melania for posing naked early in her career but Stormy and Karen's past are irrelevant as long as it takes down the POTUS.

What a bunch of bullshit and it's sad our media goes to this level. What happened to being impartial and reporting the news?

being impartial doesn't get you views on news sites or hits/comments on twitter feeds. all they care about is numbers. they want more numbers, whether it be more viewers, more website hits, more twitter followers, more comments;, etc. even if they have to lie or make shit up to get them.

there's no honor in news, anymore.
What I find really frustrating is the fact they aren't calling out bullshit when it's just that, bullshit. Just like the post above getting shares but it has absolutely no truth what-so-ever.

the part to which i take exception is this:

i think, that....for me, the purpose of journalism is to raise, you know, the voices of people that, maybe, don't have a voice. and, so, i think that in its own right journalism is a form of activism.

actually, the purpose of journalism is to inform the public of FACTS so that they may draw their own conclusions.

it is not to prophesize, it is not to give opinion, and it is certainly not to "raise the voices of people that maybe don't have a voice".

thanks to the 1st Amendment of The Constitution of The United States of America.....everyone has a voice. everyone has that freedom. it is guaranteed. not by journalism, but by our founding fathers who saw fit to make sure that everyone, who is a citizen of this country, had that right.

and to be clear, the part that has to do with "freedom of the press" has nothing to do with members of the media nor does it give them any special rights or privileges not afforded to general citizens.
But he makes it so easy! ;)

Seriously though, I remember the way the media savaged Obama for crap like wearing a tan suit. Remember when people genuinely believed he was a secret Kenyan Muslim? Wouldn't be surprised if people still did.

Hell, imagine the outcry from FOX and Breitbart if Obama had pulled a tenth of the shit Trump has so far. Or if Hillary was accused sucking at Putin's teat ..

Imagine if Obama had had multiple wives, cheated on his pregnant wife, banged a porn star, etc. Imagine if Obama had said "grab em by the pussy". You know the media reaction would've be different. Remember the media witch hunt when Clinton got a blowjob? He didn't even get a golden shower or a girl that looked like his daughter, like 45! Poor Melania .. Poor Ivanka.

And that's just the obtuse stuff. I'm not even talking about the actual, alarming stuff.

I don't care who people screw in their private lives (though I'll enjoy laughing about it) but when they screw my country .. that's when I get mad. Left or right, an ass is an ass.

Re: the media, though, it's all the same biased, BS coverage from both sides. Nobody even watches or reads real news anymore, it's shit like FOX or "The Blaze" or "Huffington Post" or MSNBC or other left/right wing garbage.

Thanks, FCC fairness doctrine of 1987! You polarized, divided, and dumbed down our country by enabling and empowering these moronic "news" corporations.
my thing with the whole stormy daniels and him cheating on his wife years ago is....it was years ago. when he wasn't President. why should we care about this now.

yeah, cheating on your wife is shitty and i have no respect for someone who does that. but does that mean he can't perform the duties of the office of the President?
my thing with the whole stormy daniels and him cheating on his wife years ago is....it was years ago. when he wasn't President. why should we care about this now.

yeah, cheating on your wife is shitty and i have no respect for someone who does that. but does that mean he can't perform the duties of the office of the President?

They'll get him the same way they got Clinton, lying under oath. He can't help himself. It's just a matter of whether he lies about infidelity or something more related to his office. He'll go Colonel Jessup.
They'll get him the same way they got Clinton, lying under oath. He can't help himself. It's just a matter of whether he lies about infidelity or something more related to his office. He'll go Colonel Jessup.

probably right.

but there's a 5th amendment for a reason. and if they start in on him, he better make damn sure he knows to just shut up and and use it (but probably won't).
I don’t like the way the media goes after Melania and Ivanka.

I believe eventually they’ll get Trump as Eleven said. He’ll lie one way or the other about something and he’ll get the Clinton treatment.

I’m neither liberal or conservative I’m a moderate as they say, but I will say had they treated Obama like they’re treating Trump people would’ve been freaking out, but Obama was Presidential and I don’t believe Trump has acted Presidential in the least bit, so as Philly said he makes it easy.
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