The Little Ice Age


Smart Pill Addict
I just learned something from a History Channel feature. During the Little Ice Age (1350-1850) it grew so cold in the northern half of Europe that the grape vines were killed off, so if you were not wealthy enough to import wine from warmer climates, you were out of luck for this form of alcohol. It was during this period that the northern European countries got into making beer.

Almost all of the earlier immigrants to this country came from these countries: England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Poland, the Scandanavian countries. As a consequence the early years in this country featured beer and whiskey (making this was an art which the English, Scots, and Irish had perfected). So next time you gather with friends for wings, barbecue or pizza along with a few cold ones, reflect that were it not for the little ice age, you could be drinking wine with these foods instead. Wine and pizza? ugh.
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