| FTBL That SAT morning feeling


Verified Member
I went out to the store and saw lots of GA fans preparing for the game. I am in GA , not by choice but thats life. The weather has cooled off a little, you can feel Fall knocking at the door. Although my team is having a horrible year, I still get excited every sat morning. Packing the cooler full of cold beers,opening the windows and cranking up game day. Its always exciting to just sit back,have a cold one and watch the gridiron wars all day long. So I say good luck , go vols beat them tigers, and roll tide roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I know how ya feel OA.

The only thing missing is Leonard Postoasties and his "Leonard's Losers" radio show with Percy Peabody.

Roll Tide

Kick the crap out of Auburn today, UT.
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