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Installed the live thread stuff this morning...throwing error messages out. I'm considering going to a chat box for games...not sure yet.
The good news is I figured out the problem. The bad news is I don't know how to fix it, yet. Yet.

I may be a bit of a masochist...something about reading an error message and saying "WHAT?!?" ... it's weirdly exciting.

So...the socket server is not running or TCP port 2206 is not open.

I need a beer.
Let us help you on this one:

You figured out the WHY.
You need to figure out WHEN did it happen?
WHY is it happening?
WHERE are you planning to implement the solution?

hope it helped!
I know all of this. Except one thing.
the solution
The creator of the code that gives us live threads lives in Minsk. When it comes to communications with our host...they live in Europe, France, Spain. Talking with someone in Belarus isn't as easy as you might think.

When we moved to the cloud based server a few months ago we literally left a lot of people behind. This is a common response when I'm dealing with the back end shit...

although to be honest I am not familiar with all the limitations of Xenforo cloud.

I love the way they say "limitations" when it boils down to the compatibility with their software. They haven't "caught up."

I hate to say "It's just MTSU" but, it's just "MTSU." If you're not involved in game threads, doesn't really matter a lot ...though I like seeing immediate responses in threads.
I know all of this. Except one thing.

The creator of the code that gives us live threads lives in Minsk. When it comes to communications with our host...they live in Europe, France, Spain. Talking with someone in Belarus isn't as easy as you might think.

When we moved to the cloud based server a few months ago we literally left a lot of people behind. This is a common response when I'm dealing with the back end shit...

I love the way they say "limitations" when it boils down to the compatibility with their software. They haven't "caught up."

I hate to say "It's just MTSU" but, it's just "MTSU." If you're not involved in game threads, doesn't really matter a lot ...though I like seeing immediate responses in threads.
Interesting 🤔
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