| FTBL Something interesting in the Chubb video.


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Notice the pics at each end of the weight rack? Looks like Smart is trying employ some Saban tactics with motivation.

First time I remember seeing this was after Miss St beat us in 2007.......I think the pic was of the scoreboard after the game. If memory serves me correct, the mantra was Never Again.

"James Coley on Twitter">pic.twitter.com/yQH93IYApv</a></p>&mdash; James Coley (@CoachColey) <a href="">July 24, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
If it's raining sideways, I guess we know who Smart is gearing up for. Might be kinda hard though to explain to the troops what that big smile on Bama's DC's face was all about.
Notice the pics at each end of the weight rack? Looks like Smart is trying employ some Saban tactics with motivation.

First time I remember seeing this was after Miss St beat us in 2007.......I think the pic was of the scoreboard after the game. If memory serves me correct, the mantra was Never Again.

That was after the 2010 loss to the fuckers in East Alabama.

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