| FTBL SEC's Coaches.....Who da BEST?

I think the best is......uh, they are all good...

1. Spurrier
2. Fulmer
3. Richt
4. Mayer
5. Saban
6. Tuberville
7. Miles
8. Nutt
9. Croom
10. Petrino
11. Uk's coach
12. Vandy Coach

I just threw this together, not really putting much thought into it. I also think that #'s 4 through 7 are all very close. I think Tubbs gets the most out of what he has, while Saban recruits like a mad man, Miles is lucky, and Mayer is great with game plans.

Petrino, I think he is overrated. Lets see him win in the SEC before going crazy over him. I think Croom will eventually turn MSU around and get them in the right direction. Also, I forgot UK and Vandy's coaches names...so, they are at the bottom.

Im sure there is other factors that I didnt consider.
I was kinda going by total career. I mean, Fulmer was a great coach about 5 years ago.

He has a NC and SEC championship.......not that I like Fulmer, but I dont think he is a bad coach at all.

I guess he could fall to #4 or 5
1. Steve Spurrier
2. Urban Meyer
3. Mark Richt
4. Tommy Tubberville
5. Nick Saban
6. Phillip Fulmer
7. Sylvester Croom
8. Houston Nutt
9. Bobby Petrino
10. Rich Brooks
11. Bobby Johnson
12. Les Miles

I honestly think that Tubby is a better coach than Nick Saban, but Saban is so much better of a recruiter that Tubby will soon not be able to outcoach him. To back up my statement, look at what Saban does. He himself calls his system a "process" which basically says "I can't win with players I don't recruit".It takes him 3-4 years to win 9+ games where ever he is.(However I believe he will win 10 this year) Once he brings in his talent where he can throw 80 different blitzes at an offense in a game, he is nearly untouchable.
Yes, the defending national champ is at the bottom of the list because, IMO he is terrible. The past three teams he has had should have lost maybe 2 games in those three years, and he lost 2 every single year. Soon Saban's bunch will be graduated and his players (though many of them are very good) will not have the same discipline, costing LSU countless "should have won" ballgames in the future. This year may be the beginning of the trend.
Very hard question because they all have their strengths and weaknesses.

I would say the best recruiter is undoubtably ours in Saban.

I would also say that he is the best at handling the media from a fan's perspective but maybe the worst if you are a fan of another team.

My doubts with Saban rests on gameday. If he has recruited the best and succeded in getting his players to buy into the process, he will be hard to beat simply because he has better athletes and them playing above your level. However, I don't think any coach in the SEC can match up to the statement made about Coach Bryant in that he could take his and beat yours or take yours and beat his. That is a great coach, but there is more parity today than back then. I all boils down to recruiting so, I give Saban, Ritch and Meyer the edge and that has nothing to do with their game day approach. To rank Tubberville high based on what he has accomplished at Auburn during our downfall needs an asterisk. They will be looking to replace him soon, mark it down.
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