| FTBL SECCG Experience (with pics)



I was in Vegas attending an annual Autodesk conference the week after the Iron Bowl. I didn't get to celebrate with my fellow workers who are Bama fans all that week.

That following Sunday I flew out to Vegas. The week seemed to take forever and it hadn't even started. Not much goes on but about mid-week I was in the shower watching ESPN and saw flashes about TT getting fired from the Barn. Now I REALLY wanted to get back home ASAP, so this just made the week creep by even slower.

I'll add that a good chunk of Bama fans were attending this same conference as I saw many wearing their Bama gear leaving Bham Sunday morning still high on the huge beatdown we gave the barn. Once in Vegtas I still wore my gear and every once and a while some stranger would pass me or tug on my UA pullover and give me a "Roll Tide". They were probably gamblers who bet on the Tide but who cares. It felt good to have people give a RTR from so far away while so much was developing back home.

As if that wasn't enough, the wifey was calling me and telling me we had a good possibility to score some SECCG tickets along with the fan fare or whatever it was called plus The Party Passes which was basically a smorgasbord or free food and alky to your hearts content prior to kickoff. So I was getting antsy in hopes that we would score the tickets. Since I don't gamble, this would be my idea of hitting it big while in Vegas lol.

Thursday morning I'm in classes at the conference and I get a text message. It's the wife and she tells me we got the tickets. I couldn't sit still for the entire class and couldn't wait until it was done lol. Friday rolls around and now that I have tickets I hope we don't get delayed for whatever reason and make it back safely back home.

Friday comes around and we board the plane in Vegas. We had to make one stop and pick up more passengers in New Orleans. LOTS of LSU fans board the plane. One of them a team physician for LSU. Not sure if he was basketball, football, etc but he seemed to talk to some other LSU fans sitting around him like he worked on the football players. Some were snickering on about Bama and the SECCG. Probably because that days news papers on the plane had a huge picture of Mt. Cody on it and general SECCG comparison articles. A few LSU fans were talking crap about Saban but went back to saying Tebow is going to run 30 pts on us and more of the same Tebow lovefest.

I forgot to mention but there was this one guy boarding in New Orleans that had on a Bama pullover and I gave him a "Roll Tide" and this joker came back with "Thanks". I was kind of shocked and like WTF did he just say back to me. Tip to anyone: If someone tells you Roll Tide, your only answer back should be another Roll Tide. Nothing more and surely not "thanks" :roll: . I couldn't wait to get off the plane. I land about 6:45 the eve of the SECCG.

Wife picks me up and we head home to hit the bed early to get plenty of rest for the following big day following. Neither of us had ever experienced an SECCG so it was pretty exciting for us as we woke up early and started "dressing up" my SUV for the ride to ATL with all my Bama parapanelia. As we head out on 459 then I-20 we start seeing more and more UA and UF fans all heading in the same direction. People waiving as they passed and honking all down the interstate. It was pretty cool and getting us pumped up.

I'll start adding some pics while boring you with our trip.

On the road and one of the many Bama adorned vehicles we saw along the way...


Early in the morning and made it to ATL with little traffic issues....


Walking downtown towards the Georgia Dome to get in on the Fan activities at the conference center...



Getting closer. We passed a few tail gate spots like this one....



BTW whoever decided in ATL to have a dang parade the same weekend as the SECCG was a moron. It blocked Peachtree and nobody could cross the roads unless the cops would stop the parade for a second and let a few people bolt across. It took forever it seemed. So I started snapping pics just waiting our turn. Here's the HRC.


Finally made it to the conference center for the Fan activities and Party events. Watched the MBD do their thing. I have cell video but don't have a way to get it off my phone to the PC.



Here is inside the Party Pass area. They had it broken up to a Flroida fan side and a Bama fan side. Each table had a bunch of free stuff like shakers, drink koozee's, team beads and so on. Not to mention free drinks and food :)



We stayed until the bar closed and then headed to the Dome. Tons of people to sift thru and it was crowded. We got to our seats and man they were wayyy up in the dome. 3rd or 4th row from the top. It was great from a play developing standpoint but it sucked being so far away from the action that I'm used to at BDS. The atmosphere inside was crazy and you could feel it building and swinging from side to side the entire game! I will never forget it. Here's a few shots. Sorry they are so far away but I didn't want to bring in my big camera.




I have to admit. Florida's band makes our look VERY small in comparison. I like what their band did by doing the state shape and team spelling. I wished the MDB would of added some extra spice for the SECCG. I'm not sure if UF does that at every game or not but it was cool to see and appreciate.





There were a ton of photogs and media darlings at the entrance for our team. Not nearly as many for Floridas side. Not sure why but here's a bunch of them at ours.


Unfortunately this is the only picture I have of actual gametime. I was too busy yelling at the top of my lungs and just taking in the atmposphere to even worry with taking pics lol. This pic was taken just before our TD on that long drive in the 3rd quarter!


All in all it was a great time and one I'll never forget. Hopefully it won't be the last SECCG I get to attend. I hope we make it again next year and the year after that and many more after that. Roll Tide guys and sorry for the pics. Just figured I'd pass them along now that I'm slowly getting back into being on the net. Can't use the net anymore at work and by the time I get home, a PC is the last thing on my mind. Sorry it took so long and sorry you wasted your life reading my boring rant lol.

I'll finish by saying after the SECCG I was pretty pleased with our fans. Most people were still in great spirits despite the heartbreaking loss and we are all very proud of this years team and our seniors. Even most UF fans still were nice and not rubbing it in our face and congradulated many of us as we passed them back to the hotels, bars, or parking lots. Kudos to most of the UF fans I saw that treated us with respect just as we did them. They are much nicer than LSU, UT, or Barn fans that's for sure. I will be glad when Tebow goes Pro though lol. The man is a freak.

Roll Tide and lets win the Sugar Bowl!!! 13-1 sounds great!
:lol: Not really but I didn't see any posted so I figured I'd share the crappy ones I managed to get heh. But thanks man :)!
Lenny Kozlowski said:
explaination of your tag please :?

Im assuming Yellowjacket? (who)

:lol: Lenny. Not my SUV. I couldn't afford gas in that thing. :lol:

The wife and I wondered the same for a UA tag ;scr
Lenny Kozlowski said:
explaination of your tag please :?

Im assuming Yellowjacket? (who)

:lol: Lenny. Not my SUV. I couldn't afford gas in that thing. :lol:

The wife and I wondered the same for a UA tag ;scr

I just figured out a few things :oops:

It would considerably hard to snap a moving pic of your own ride.

It has a G'Tech sticker on the back glass also :lol:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
explaination of your tag please :?

Im assuming Yellowjacket? (who)

:lol: Lenny. Not my SUV. I couldn't afford gas in that thing. :lol:

The wife and I wondered the same for a UA tag ;scr

I just figured out a few things :oops:

It would considerably hard to snap a moving pic of your own ride.

It has a G'Tech sticker on the back glass also :lol:

I walked away from that one last night LK. I saw the Ga. Tech sticker in the window...but it was more on the thoughts "that can't be his own ride!"

It was a good laugh though... :lol:
I didn't have the best experience, but that's OK. Even though I was in the Alabama section I was sandwiched between 4 Gators. Now I know why I don't go to away games very much. :roll:

The game was a tough one for me to swallow. The loss was a lot harder than I thought it would be. After putting it in perspective I'm much better with it now though. What a great year overall, and I got exactly what I wanted....a win over Auburn! :D

A view from out seats

Pre-game @ SEC FanFare
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