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It was obvious at SEC Media Days that how head coaches were going to handle players battling with mental illness was a big issue. From Sankey to the media's constant questions concerning it, it has become a major topic. I'm curious if there was one major incident in college football that has made so many self-aware all of a sudden?
I'm curious if there was one major incident in college football that has made so many self-aware all of a sudden?

Maybe something that I am unaware of but I feel like it is a trickle down effect from society as a whole. I know physical health takes a huge toll on the US population but mental health is just now close to getting the widespread attention that it has needed since this country was founded. You are hard pressed to find a family that isn't currently affected by mental health issues in one way or another. As someone who has and still does battle depression, anxiety and just plan nuttiness it has only been in the past 5 yrs that I've felt comfortable discussing it outside my small small circle of trust
Maybe something that I am unaware of but I feel like it is a trickle down effect from society as a whole. I know physical health takes a huge toll on the US population but mental health is just now close to getting the widespread attention that it has needed since this country was founded. You are hard pressed to find a family that isn't currently affected by mental health issues in one way or another. As someone who has and still does battle depression, anxiety and just plan nuttiness it has only been in the past 5 yrs that I've felt comfortable discussing it outside my small small circle of trust

If that's the case, good on the SEC and college football. As you mentioned, it's so prevalent in families and friends and still often either misunderstood or overlooked entirely. If a player is openly struggling with these emotional imbalances I would think it's good for the coaches and other players to understand what's going on and why it's best to not overreact.
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