| CURRENT EVENTS . @SBF_FTX says he isn't coming to the U.S. to testify in D.C. because he's worried about the paparazzi...

I don't know if you guys have seen the video where he's being "interviewed" and makes the statement he's a vegan because animals shouldn't be killed...all the while standing in front of his fridge with ketchup, mustard, relish, etc.

I won't profess to know a lot about a vegan diet. But that damn sure looks like stuff you put on a hot dog.

Screenshot 2022-12-14 10.24.12 AM.png
My oldest daughter is vegetarian. She uses those types on condiments on potatoes, meat substitutes, etc. I would assume a vegan would be able to do similar.
No. There's a distinction, though I don't know what. IE: the mention of butter on Yellowstone

Thinking about it ... I don't guess there's eggs in those. 🤷‍♂️ Any animal products at all? I'd have to go to the kitchen to look.
No. There's a distinction, though I don't know what. IE: the mention of butter on Yellowstone

Thinking about it ... I don't guess there's eggs in those. 🤷‍♂️ Any animal products at all? I'd have to go to the kitchen to look.
Butter would not be vegan as it comes from milk. But there are tons of vegan options for that. Most of the margarines are fine. Vegans eat no animal products. So most condiments are fine. Worcestershire or anything containing it is not (anchovies).

My daughter basically only eats milk products, eggs, and fish outside of vegetables and breads. Less a moral stance than a health one that she feels helped her so I ain't one to argue. I have learned to make most everything except gravy and stuff that requires cheese without any of those just in case.

EDIT: My daughter is subset of vegetarians called Pescatarian. She is also Lacto-Ovo (milk and eggs). I know way too much about this stuff because of her.
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@rocknthefreeworld just reading all of that makes me want to go grab a steak out of the freezer...but alas, it's going to be bass tonight.
I am very glad she is not one of those holier than thou ones. She ate her subset of stuff at Thanksgiving while her boyfriend ate turkey and gravy. I make her white gravy heavy on pepper so she can enjoy the dressing and mashed taters. Sometimes I like to make sausage dressing so I just make her a small pan without it.

I know someone else whose kid went full vegan and became horrible about it. She basically never eats with them now that she moved out. But when she still lived with them it was not enough to her for them to make her stuff, she wanted them to stop eating meat products also and was loud about it. He got to where he cooked bacon and steaks inside at least 3-4 times a week just to mark his territory.
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