Savannah and Charleston


Hey everyone! Writing from St. Augustine :) The roadtrip has been a great success so far (I only fell more in love with the great state of Alabama), we are having a blast and eating delicious food.

We have Savannah tomorrow, and Charleston on Sunday.

Any recommendations for those two? I got a few in my previous post, but the route has changed a bit since then.

Places to eat/visit would be greatly appreciated! We like natural sights, cheap dive-y places, seafood, soul food, quirky places, history, etc.
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Glad y'all are having a good time... it's been so long since I've been to Charleston, I can't offer anything... And to be honest, I'm not sure I've been to Savannah at all (I might have gone there as a kid on a family road trip and can't remember).
The only place I remember in Savannah, is Mellow Mushroom (this was the first time we'd had them) - was probably 8-10 years ago, just don't remember any of the places we visited.

I use the heck outta Yelp when travelling.
If you're into seafood and oysters in particular, Amen Street and Pearlz (both on East Bay in old town Charleston) are hard to beat.

Drinking in Savannah is an advanced sport. The Six Pence Pub is a good place for beer and grub, and is the jumping off point for a really good haunted pub crawl; however, for the sheer enjoyment of drinking in a local dive bar, Pinkie Masters is the ultimate for Savannah.

Take care and have fun.


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