| FTBL saban to a&m rumor going now... on aggie board


hahaha, this is classic. the aggies just make me laugh, i really hope they win the rest of their games so they keep fRan around.


"I was told yesterday (by an NFL assistant coach) that all the Tubbs talk is only a smoke screen and that Saban could be the next Aggie coach. Before you have a heart attack hear me out. He said that Saban was unhappy in Tuscalousa and wanted out. Tubbs and Saban use the same agent and he is pumping Tubbs name all the while Saban walks in the back door as the Ags next coach."
planomateo said:
hahaha, this is classic. the aggies just make me laugh, i really hope they win the rest of their games so they keep fRan around.


"I was told yesterday (by an NFL assistant coach) that all the Tubbs talk is only a smoke screen and that Saban could be the next Aggie coach. Before you have a heart attack hear me out. He said that Saban was unhappy in Tuscalousa and wanted out. Tubbs and Saban use the same agent and he is pumping Tubbs name all the while Saban walks in the back door as the Ags next coach."

I believe that NFL assistant coach may have found some of Michael Irvin's old stash.
After watching Coach Saban's post game presser after the UT game, we should really know that he likes it here. He has this team believing that they can win, and was emotional to back it up. In less than a year he has this team already buying into his philosophy. These types of rumors are gonna surface as long as we have Coach Saban, so get use to it. Texas A&M has as much chance at our coach as they have at getting a National Championship with Fran.

Pure garbage, they don't even have a shot a Coach Tuberville IMHO..
Nick and his family was happy in BR too. That isn't a good enought reason. I could not believe that Francioni (Sp?) left Bama either. A coach should not leave Bama to got to ATM. Its the other way around. Save ND and USC, Bama is the most storied program in the nation and it is a step up. No disrespect to the aggies or their tradition and as an LSU fan it pains me to say it. I could see Saban leaving, but not today and not for ATM.
Yes he was happy in BR, but thought maybe Miami and Pros would be fun. THey took a chance and hated it, now they are back in College at another school in another town they like. So they learned their lesson after leaving BR . :)

Personally I think Saban is gonna stay at Bama for the long haul, but even if he doesn't and leaves in 4 years.. we will be much improved for many years to come.

But no aTm lol no way
tigerfan said:
Nick and his family was happy in BR too. That isn't a good enought reason. I could not believe that Francioni (Sp?) left Bama either. A coach should not leave Bama to got to ATM. Its the other way around. Save ND and USC, Bama is the most storied program in the nation and it is a step up. No disrespect to the aggies or their tradition and as an LSU fan it pains me to say it. I could see Saban leaving, but not today and not for ATM.

I understand the Sabans were happy in Baton Rouge, but I also see how he wanted to try his hand at the pros (a dismal foray). He wanted to come back to the college game and he did. I know they love their vacation home in the North GA mountains and it is a short plane trip from T-Town there. I hope they stay in Tuscaloosa and he can get this program righted and back on track.
tigerfan said:
Nick and his family was happy in BR too. That isn't a good enought reason. I could not believe that Francioni (Sp?) left Bama either. A coach should not leave Bama to got to ATM. Its the other way around. Save ND and USC, Bama is the most storied program in the nation and it is a step up. No disrespect to the aggies or their tradition and as an LSU fan it pains me to say it. I could see Saban leaving, but not today and not for ATM.

And lucky for us (as Nate and HeflinLady already mentioned) he made that mistake once. I look for him to be here a while. Whether that's 5 years, 10 years, I don't know. None of us do.
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