Saban Sauce


Smart Pill Addict
The Mrs. and I were out grocery shopping yesterday when she came across a bottle labelled Saban Sauce on the shelves yesterday. We decided to buy a bottle just to have it. At supper last night we gave it a try on some leftover BBQ, and it is quite good. It has a tangy, smoky taste, just a little bit sweet. Reading the bottle we found out that all the profits go to Nick's Kids. Give it a try. It has the psychojoe seal of approval.
Haven't seen that in the stores yet. I found it online at a few sites. There is even a combo pack of 2 bottles of it and some of Terry Saban's seasoning rub.
been using this for a couple years now. you can buy it in a kit with Mrs. Terry's tasty BBQ seasoning. Nick Saban Sauce and Rub Gift Set


we buy it by the case, though; 12 / 16 oz bottles. Nick Saban BBQ Sauce12/16

i put it on any meat i'm gonna grill (chicken, burgers, hot dogs, pork chops). plus i put it on meatloaf and i use it as dipping sauce for chicken nuggets or fries.
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