| FTBL Roster Limits - Changed for Sports

Step one into leading a separation in D1 teams.
I'm surprised they increased them this much...85 to 105 is a large leap a lot more pieces you can add. Allows you to recruit/take a shot at some 3-star and lower prospects that have the physical gifts but may need some extra help/time to learn.

Also, I guess this explains why the Kickers/Punter was offered. They'll be counting towards 105 now.
I'm surprised they increased them this much...85 to 105 is a large leap a lot more pieces you can add. Allows you to recruit/take a shot at some 3-star and lower prospects that have the physical gifts but may need some extra help/time to learn.

Also, I guess this explains why the Kickers/Punter was offered. They'll be counting towards 105 now.
When you have schools in the red due to the 85, what happens to those schools when it moves to 105. Hopefully, they drop divisions.
So, is this scholarships or just roster limits?

I haven't been following this closely but have seen banter about it. I thought we were already at a roster limit of 105 in football. Isn't that the limit that can dress for a home game?

I would love for out baseball program to be on the same footing as other schools with same amount of scholarships offered.
I believe football can offer 105 schollies..and the full 205 can travel the way I read it.
Baseball up to 25
Softball up to 18…

That’s total scholarships….

That’s a big jump especially in baseball, they should’ve done that a while back…
(From 11.75 to 25) doubled the limit!!!
The implications of this are staggering. A 3 star that the big schools might not have had room for and might have gone to Troy or South Florida or some place like that, now can go to the big school. Also, how does this fit into the NIL? Especially if they eventually go to a salary situation where everyone gets paid. And then there's the transfer portal. You may be able to offer 105 scholarships but that doesn't mean you will get 105 players. You will probably lose 20-30 in the portal on a regular basis. What about medical scholarships? Will those still exist? And gray shirts? Will that go away? So many questions. This is just going to increase the gap between the haves and have nots. I'm not sure where they are going with this.
I know back in the day (rule changed in the 70's), freshmen were not allowed to play Varsity ball. They had a freshman team that played other freshman squads, much like they do in HS. One of the docs I worked with talked about it quite a bit. Said it was a cool experience.
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