| LIFE Questions about site layout


Verified Member
It's been a while since I've been here and I see the site design has changed once again. Personally I'm not feeling and it's not easy on mobile but I got a notice saying it's being worked on so maybe this is temporary?? Anyways since the photobucket debacle earlier this year I need to remove my signature image because it was linked to my PB account but I can't find where to access my signature. Can someone tell me so I don't litter each post with this massive annoying Photobucket warning on it?
I get this when using your link: "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action". The signature setting is missing from my Quick Links. I attached a few screenshots for you.

It's just the overall site layout that is hard on my eyes and harder to navigate compared to previous designs on here IMO. It's been a while since I've been on here so maybe this is how it's been? I do wish there was a setting or theme layout we could use to go back to older layout.


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I dunno if this thread is still active but I've noticed that when I use the page on my phone, it logs me out before and after I post.

Example: I logged in to post during the game. While logged in, I typed out a comment. I hit post reply, and it said I needed to log in. I did, posted, and then it told me again to log in.

Also, the main page as well as Fansights are are really really white and kind of hard on the eyes (at least for me). The Quad is a nice color scheme. There's better contrast between posts, likes, avatars, etc.
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