Question about Dish Network on the Quad


Verified Member
I didn't really know where to put this question, so here it is in the Houndstooth Den, the best place in the known universe....

I'm taking Dish Network setup with me to the quad Saturday. The Dish coordinates for where I live (Pelham) and for the quad area of Tuscaloosa are almost exactly the same,

Pelham 35124 AZ 223 EL 41 SK 125
Tuscaloosa 35401 AZ 222 EL 42 SK 124

The question is, knowing how close all of those numbers are, is it possible to make no adjustments to my antenna from home at all and still get the game, provided I'm not interfered with by trees or clouds or things like that?
Just an update, since there was SOOOOO much interest in this topic, I took my satellite dish down to T-Town this past weekend and grabbed a signal in about 30 seconds. Unfortunately, since I had my little girls with me, I had to watch Nickelodeon and f-ing Disney Channel all day, save for a few minutes of watching UM-ND, and of course, every second of the bama game.

Made no adjustments or changes at all. Brought the unit back home, and I can't find my 110 west signal anymore, thus killing my locals....But the 119 west is fine.
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