Post your most memorable golf cart story here


Goofy Golfer
My golf buddy, Gil, from Louisville, Ky was playing golf with a friend of his. Gil was driving the cart. On the 5th hole, some bug buzzed Gil and landed on his nose. Gil panicked and floored the cart, smacking it right into a tree. The impact was so hard, the other guy went out the windshield and got cut up pretty bad. Gil called 911 and the EMT's came out there and cared for him. The bug turned out to be a butterfly.

One of the EMT's said "You're banged up pretty bad there!". Gil's friend said "Yeah, but thank God that butterfly's ok".
My name is Gil, I'm from Louisville. I live on a hill. I was on a golf cart and took a spill. I like to chill and take a pill. You want me to stop?


I will.

My name is Gil, I'm from Louisville. I live on a hill. I was on a golf cart and took a spill. I like to chill and take a pill. You want me to stop?


I will.

When I was about 10, we went over to a friends house whose parents had two gas powered carts. They had a big field back behind their house, so naturally my brother, the friend, and myself decide we want to race his dad on the golf cart 3:1. Well my brother is sitting far passenger and we get to rolling. Considering we were 10 we weren't quite FEC members yet. My brother gets slung out of the cart rounding a turn. Next lap through apparently he thought he was gonna flag us down. My friend had other ideas. He basically hip checked him with the front fender and sent him back a few yards.
I was late teen / early twenties, Coast guard E-3 on a waiting list for A school. ( Rescue Swimmer.) I had never played Golf in my life outside of putt putt. A few of us loaded up and went over to the local AFB to play golf. One of the other guys was an Electronics Tech with the last name of Toups. Toups wore those old black horn rimmed "birth control" glasses. Standard Military Issue, type one each. The ber started flowing before the first ball was hit. One of the guys made an emergency departure when he hit a ball into my shin. He made it to the parking lot before I could catch him. ( I was running with a pretty bad limp.) I wound up with a perfectly round bruise. the size of a golf ball complete with the little dimples.
I had made it part way back to the rest of the group when toups picked me up. We met up with the rest of the guys near a water hazard. Toups did a "flyby" on them and then backed up to park, setting the brake. When we got ready to move again, Toups jump in the cart and hit the gas to dislodge brake, forgetting he had left the cart in reverse. He looked over at me and I swear his eyes were bigger around than his glasses, as the cart went backwards down the hill, and into the water. When the greens manager showed up we were still laying in the grass laughing our asses off. We were literally laughing so hard tears were rolling out of our eyes. And when we made it back to the small boat station the old man was already there waiting on us. He chewed our ass out good. ( He was enlisted, a Master Chief, and a salty fuck.) Told us we were forbidden from returning to that course and left. No formal discipline.
My story is when i was about 17-18 me and 3 of my buddies were playing at one of those "pasture" golf courses, very cheap but the owner took great pride in it. Grass wasnt quality but it was cut, and the greens were actually very good for this type course. Me and my dad played all the time there and he was friends with the owner.

Anyway, 17-18 yr olds go to play all by their lonesome. I didnt do it but i watched 2 of my buddies destroy about 6 greens, running over flag sticks, doing donuts, you name it. I felt bad but hey i didnt do anything. The owner calls my dad and while on the phone with him my dad asks me if we did it. I said no way, he and the owner believed me bc i was such a good kid, my friends too. 20 years latet and i still feel guilt about that.
My folks had this old golf cart that me and my brother thrashed to hell and back. Two things happened from this, the battery wires gave way and that bitch caught fire while we were playing a hole. I knocked on a neighbors door we knew and he runs out with a fire extinguisher. We get it put out and have a laugh that it lasted this long and behold that thing still worked lol, we drove it home.

That same golf cart always had issues with the parking brake. We tried to keep her on flat land as much as possible. Well we had a bad shot in the rough and I parked it on a hill and got out. The cart goes screaming down the hill and smashes into a tree. The canopy cover tilted forward and the back was smashed but again it still worked lol.
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