| LIFE Pets thread


We've had 7 dogs in 25 years of marriage, almost always in pairs.

Border collie / Australia Sheppard mix - Cody
Rottweiler - Bama
Jack Russell terrier - Patches
Greyhound - Ellie
Yorkie - Pinecone
Catahoula leopard dog mix (current) - Luna
English pointer (current) - Swift

We've had some great companions over the years.

Cody is the standard that all other dogs are judged against.
Bama was a tall Rottweiler that could easily jump and get his head over 6' tall.
Patches was with us the longest, they are a stubborn bread and super loyal.
Ellie was the easiest going. I'd love to own another greyhound.
Pinecone was only with us for a year or so. Had a brain tumor. She stole my heart.
Luna is an amazing deaf dog with the prettiest blue eyes.
Swift is the 2nd fastest dog we've owned, would love to see her go head to head with a greyhound. She has a laser focus on all small wild animals. She can look out the windows for hours with her tail ready to point.

We've affectionately named Luna and Swift the terror twins, if they aren't chilling in the house or looking out the windows, then they are chasing each other around wrestling with each other.


We've had 7 dogs in 25 years of marriage, almost always in pairs.
Always in pairs with me. And here's why...
Border collie / Australia Sheppard mix
I've had four over the last 25 years; two now that are pushing 10yrs. Aussies have a longer life span than I realied when I picked up my first at a horse ranch outside of Tuscaloosa. She lived 16 years, her compainion 15.
Cody is the standard that all other dogs are judged against.
Aussies. And yes, Border Collies. I have one of both now.

I don't know of a better breed.
Only two of the seven we had since they were puppies, we've rescued/adopted the rest.

Swift was a hunting dog some neighbors back in Texas. From what I understand, she's amazing at the field work but doesn't like the gunshot sound. So we offered to take her in and give her a home, she and Luna have been pals since say 1.

Next two dogs, German Sheppard / Border Collie. Gonna get them as puppies and train them to be off leash. Swift is struggling with this concept at the moment. We are up against 3000-5000 acres of state land on two corners of our 20 acres. If she gets loose, who knows where she'll end up.
@TerryP there is a lady that has a couple of hundred sheep down the road from me, drive past her place on the way to/from work. She's got an Australian Cattle dog, I've got to see it work twice in 15 months.

As silly as it may sound, it's a treat to get to see this, I drive by in the evenings hoping I'll get to see it again.
I had 4 Rottweilers and my wife had 1 when we got engaged(her prior BF bought it from me). Once we married we sold the kennel supplies and only had 3. My male (150 lb) was shutzhund trained at 3. My first female had been long retired after 3 litters. Both lived to 10+, passed when my son was about 1. After that we have had 5 over a 20 year period. Our beloved Daisy passed earlier this year after almost 14 years. Had zero plans to get another anytime soon. Then we ended up rescuing a pup, supposedly pit mix, weighed less than 2 lbs at 7 weeks.
One of these days I'll own a German Sheppard.

My brother grew up with the sons an ex Alabama offensive lineman. @OldPlayer may know who I'm referring to. He trains German Sheppard's in Springville. His son played at Alabama and ended up transferring to Mississippi State due to his position not being in use at Alabama.
As silly as it may sound, it's a treat to get to see this, I drive by in the evenings hoping I'll get to see it again.
The one I mentioned coming from the horse ranch outside of Tuscaloosa was one of a litter of seven. He kept five. I watched his mom and dad work the horses that afternoon. Amazing to watch.

There's was a store outside of Northport I used to go to occasionally on Sunday's. It was within the county, but sold beer on Sunday's. The LEO's didn't bother the old man. His store was an interesting one. The only beer he sold was Budweiser. Only sold one name brand of everything.

When we picked her up she got sick in the back seat so I had to sr paperstop...so so happens at that store. The only paper towels? Bounty. On her papers she was named Bountiful. We called her Bounty.
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