| FTBL Perilloux Coverup?

What is not being reported w/ this story is RP's side of the account and the racial epitaphs that were thrown at him that made this situation boil over. If he had lost his temper to a greater degree I would not have been surprised and can't say I would blame him either.

Considering he was in an Asian Buffet, I do wonder why he decided to call someone "Osama."
TerryP said:
What is not being reported w/ this story is RP's side of the account and the racial epitaphs . If he had lost his temper to a greater degree I would not have been surprised and can't say I would blame him either.

Considering he was in an Asian Buffet, I do wonder why he decided to call someone "Osama."

I a situation presented as this one has been:

"...that were thrown at him that made this situation boil over." -- It takes two to tango and the other guy hurling words at RP does not obligate RP to shout epitaphs in a public place. This was not justified.

"If he had lost his temper to a greater degree..." -- We all can lose our temper to a greater degree, but that is not the point. Losing the temper to the degree that he did is the point. Having the ability to have made it worse has never justified indecent, immoral, inappropriate,or illegal actions; and it has not place in this situation.

"If he had lost his temper to a greater degree I would not have been surprised and can't say I would blame him either." -- Beyond greater racial/ethnic slurs and shouted profanity, there is physical action. Legally speaking in life or health were not in danger, a "greater degree" would not have been justified. If you would have been seated at the restaurant with a grade school aged child when all of this went down, and the incident came to blows, what words would you have used to explain to the child why this was the right thing to do?

RP had the right to FEEL offended, as did every other patron in the restaurant. NO ONE there had the right to to do what was done, or worse.
By no means am I excusing, or offering an excuse, for his behavior. I do understand it based on what I know the culture to be like with some in the Baton Rouge area.

Personally, I wouldn't have a problem explaining it to a child. It's simple, just tell them the facts of the matter.

If you had someone, let's say 60 years old, that was called a "worthless N-word" in public do you think it would provoke them as well?
This whole thing about feeling offended has gotten way out of hand in this country gone soft. Whatever happened to "sticks and stones". They are just words.

Words may sting but everyone these days seems to have gotten way to soft and weak. What happened to the days when this country was tough? We have turned into a bunch of easily offended, overly sensitive ponytail wearing hippies. From the Rutgers girl who said that she is 'scared for life' over what some old codger said (how pathetic and weak on her part) to people suing over getting offended this country has turned into a sad place.

BOW UP AMERICA!! Don't let what some a--hole says to or about you ruin your day. Get over it, get in a fist fight or move on!

**gets off soapbox**

RP should have let it go. The Asian man should have shut his mouth. End of story. Toughen up!
porkchop said:
Here's another rundown on the situation from TigerDroppings.

Big Mess

The masses are still giving Miles a pass, but his decenters are growing

By Thursday, the heightened talk of Perrilloux will be into its fourth consecutive day. Miles could have nipped it in the bud by speaking to reporters on Monday or Tuesday. He can change his schedule. He rarely sticks to a schedule. Practice days and times and interview times are frequently being changed by him because he tends to wing it.

And don't tell me he's busy. It's spring football. He doesn't have a game coming up.

Instead we are left with sports information director Michael Bonnette to take the onslaught of questions. This is Miles being irresponsible again. Bonnette does not make $3.75 million a year. He shouldn't have to be the face of the program.

On Tuesday, Miles' players had to answer the questions about Perrilloux Miles should be answering. This is bordering on cowardly.
LBS said:
"...that were thrown at him that made this situation boil over." -- It takes two to tango and the other guy hurling words at RP does not obligate RP to shout epitaphs in a public place. This was not justified.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) -
–noun 1. a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument about the person buried at that site.
2. a brief poem or other writing in praise of a deceased person.
–verb (used with object) 3. to commemorate in or with an epitaph.

Why was he quoting tombstones? :lol:

Sorry, slow day at work.
If Perriloser somehow does make it to the NFL you know he's gonna end up being Goodell's paper boy. He'll spend so much time in the commish's office it will be like they're joined at the hip.
TerryP said:
By no means am I excusing, or offering an excuse, for his behavior. I do understand it based on what I know the culture to be like with some in the Baton Rouge area.

Personally, I wouldn't have a problem explaining it to a child. It's simple, just tell them the facts of the matter.

If you had someone, let's say 60 years old, that was called a "worthless N-word" in public do you think it would provoke them as well?

I'll assume you asked this of me Terry. The point is not if someone is offended or provoked. We have no rights to not be offended, that is more a rule of good taste and manners. Further, provoking does not obligate action from another, nor should it. If that grade school child provoked you, would it be alright to punch him? No. What if it were a a 350lbs cage fighter? No there also, but for additional reasons :lol: . Just because one thinks they may be able to "take them" has no impact on what is right, morale, or legal.

Being offended is something we must be willing to tolerate, as long as rights are not violated. Being provoke is what we must resist and refer to the authorities.
Swamptick said:
This whole thing about feeling offended has gotten way out of hand in this country gone soft. Whatever happened to "sticks and stones". They are just words.

Words may sting but everyone these days seems to have gotten way to soft and weak. What happened to the days when this country was tough? We have turned into a bunch of easily offended, overly sensitive ponytail wearing hippies. From the Rutgers girl who said that she is 'scared for life' over what some old codger said (how pathetic and weak on her part) to people suing over getting offended this country has turned into a sad place.

BOW UP AMERICA!! Don't let what some a--hole says to or about you ruin your day. Get over it, get in a fist fight or move on!

**gets off soapbox**

RP should have let it go. The Asian man should have shut his mouth. End of story. Toughen up!

Wiseace615 said:
LBS said:
"...that were thrown at him that made this situation boil over." -- It takes two to tango and the other guy hurling words at RP does not obligate RP to shout epitaphs in a public place. This was not justified.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) -
–noun 1. a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument about the person buried at that site.
2. a brief poem or other writing in praise of a deceased person.
–verb (used with object) 3. to commemorate in or with an epitaph.

Why was he quoting tombstones? :lol:

Sorry, slow day at work.

I noticed that lol. I think they mean epithet
Main Entry:
\ˈe-pə-ˌthet also -thət\
Latin epitheton, from Greek, from neuter of epithetos added, from epitithenai to put on, add, from epi- + tithenai to put — more at do

1 a: a characterizing word or phrase accompanying or occurring in place of the name of a person or thing
b: a disparaging or abusive word or phrase
c: the part of a taxonomic name identifying a subordinate unit within a genus

2obsolete : expression[/b]
LBS said:
Swamptick said:
This whole thing about feeling offended has gotten way out of hand in this country gone soft. Whatever happened to "sticks and stones". They are just words.

Words may sting but everyone these days seems to have gotten way to soft and weak. What happened to the days when this country was tough? We have turned into a bunch of easily offended, overly sensitive ponytail wearing hippies. From the Rutgers girl who said that she is 'scared for life' over what some old codger said (how pathetic and weak on her part) to people suing over getting offended this country has turned into a sad place.

BOW UP AMERICA!! Don't let what some a--hole says to or about you ruin your day. Get over it, get in a fist fight or move on!

**gets off soapbox**

RP should have let it go. The Asian man should have shut his mouth. End of story. Toughen up!


Not that I'm endorsing any particular position here but I wanted to comment on this because I couldn't agree more that the culture in our country is sick and weak.

This whole thing with Perriloux is indicative of what's wrong now with us and how our priorities are screwed up. (1) Perriloux is a product of society meaning that he acts like he does because he can. He does what he does because he knows that his physical abilities are highly valued so he plays that card. We allow him to play it. Society has conditioned him to think this way because all society knows is getting stuff. Getting payed. Looking out for number one. (2) The fact that Perriloux is still on campus at LSU considering all he's done speaks volumes in itself. Everyone here knows (but wont say it) that if Perriloux were white or Asian and a player of lesser ability he'd have been gone months ago. But because he's physically gifted we spin it as "trying to help a disadvantaged youth". Society has devolved to the point where the truth is not tolerated and heaven forbid you state a fact and hurt someone's feelings.

The fact is, based off what we already know (or seem to know) is that Ryan Perriloux is a loser, a cancer, a worthless human being who doesn't deserve, and probably will not make good with, the chances he's been given by LSU. I honestly don't know if someone called Perriloux what is alledged but I know this; You wanna walk the walk and talk the talk, and portray yourself as a worthless, uneducated, low-bred, slack-jawed, hood rat thug....then expect for people to treat you that way.

Ryan Perriloux has earned it people. And the fact that we're even still sitting here talking about Perriloux (a guy that should have been sent home packing ages ago) is indicative of what is wrong with society today.
Swamptick said:
Wiseace615 said:
LBS said:
"...that were thrown at him that made this situation boil over." -- It takes two to tango and the other guy hurling words at RP does not obligate RP to shout epitaphs in a public place. This was not justified.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) -
–noun 1. a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument about the person buried at that site.
2. a brief poem or other writing in praise of a deceased person.
–verb (used with object) 3. to commemorate in or with an epitaph.

Why was he quoting tombstones? :lol:

Sorry, slow day at work.

I noticed that lol. I think they mean epithet

Yeah, I sort of thought that was what they meant. I just couldn't resist being a smart@$$. :D
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