| FTBL People, teams, and others who can ST*U....


Verified Member
Here's my hit list of people who can ST-you know what-Up:

1- Georgia.
2- Georgia Fans who talk the loudest.
3- Tennessee (team and fans, not the state. I actually like visiting the state of Tennessee.)
4- Auburn, which goes without saying.
5- Auburn's fans, with the exception of the few cool ones here on CT.
6- Tony Curry, Ian Fitzsimmons and Al Del Greco from Birmingham's JOX sports talk radio.
7- Lou Holtz. Please.
8- The entire broadcast staff of NBC13 in Birmingham. Auburn Homers abound.

That is all. ROLL DAM TIDE. 41-30.
1) Anybody, 'Bama fan or otherwise, that talks about Bama and the polls, the SECCG, or the BCS in the same sentence. I intend to enjoy this one until after the replay tomorrow night, then its on the Kentucky and nothing else.

The rest can keep talking for all I care.

ExiledTidefan said:
6- Tony Curry, Ian Fitzsimmons and Al Del Greco from Birmingham's JOX sports talk radio.
Ditto! Ian is a complete tool. I can't stand listening to that d-bag. He sound like some idiot that is trying sooo hard to talk cool & keep up with the kids lingo. What is he taking notes from a 13 year old??? Finebaum will be very interesting Monday afternoon. :D
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