Palcohol, Powered Alcohol about to hit the market

Saw on NBC in the morning they were questioning the idea of it. Mainly due to kids getting a hold of it, but someone brought up the fact that it could put alcohol businesses out. Don't know about that serious, but there would be a decline in business. I haven't tried it yet and doesn't look like I will. Looks nasty.
They have tried alcohol powders all over before. They don't sell very well. You have to trap the alcohol in a something (generally a carbohydrate) to make the powder and then dilute it with water to release it. That generally makes them pretty weak compared to actual mixed drinks. More like a Bacardi Breezer than anything else. Pretty much a big waste. But Palcohol is not really approved for sale anyway. It got a label approved and then it was revoked. So who knows.
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