| LIFE OK, math whizzes, figure this one out. 77 beers - your age + 40 bucks...

77+40 = 117. Current year is 2017 which is 1900+117. So you are basically saying 117 - your age = the year you were born without the 1900 in it. Only works if you are less than 117 though as at 118 the answer comes back -1.

Does not work for those who have not had a birthday yet this year. For example, if your birthday is tomorrow and you were born in 1972 it would come back with 73 right now (77-44=33+40=73).
If you take a tape measure and fold it back on itself to the current year ( which would be 117 “ ) , if you look back to the year you were born , other side of tape will guess your age ........
If you take a tape measure and fold it back on itself to the current year ( which would be 117 “ ) , if you look back to the year you were born , other side of tape will guess your age ........
If it wasn't 38 outside...and I wasn't wearing shorts and a tee shirt...I'd go to the 'shop and grab my tape measure.
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