Oh chit, my twitter says...



With as much as we see <strike>"reported"</strike> posted on Twitter I figured I'd start a thread over here where we can post, then comment, on different things we've seen that made us say, "oh crap (or insert whatever word fits.")

Here's one that caught my eye this morning.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>I've never seen a second of Duck Dynasty, but if we can't rely on our reality stars to be intelligent, we're doomed as a society.</p>&mdash; Jimmy Traina (@JimmyTraina) <a href="https://twitter.com/JimmyTraina/statuses/413498270309425152">December 19, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Where are we as a society if people—"reality stars" or not—can't voice their opinion? Perhaps better said is "Who are we as a society..."
As a society, we allowed him to voice his opinion. But we also can't force anyone to associate with someone who says things they don't like or for a company to continue to support a person who says something that might be controversial. In some countries you could go to jail for speaking your mind.
As a society, we allowed him to voice his opinion. But we also can't force anyone to associate with someone who says things they don't like or for a company to continue to support a person who says something that might be controversial. In some countries you could go to jail for speaking your mind.

As a society (as in this nation) he's allowed to voice his opinion; constitutionally. We're not a country that puts people in jail for speaking their mind (though making a video can and will :lance: .)

I do agree we can't force A&E to make a decision to allow him to continue being on the air. However, I also believe it's a huge double standard to highlight their (Robertson family) beliefs (as in closing the show with thanks given for a meal) but then we asked about his beliefs he shares them.

As stated before in other subjects I don't believe an individuals opinion is either right or wrong. I do believe they can be categorized as bad or good.

The premise of the embedded tweet is what made me say, "oh shit!" If we take what's written at face value, the future of our society is based on the intelligence of a reality star? We're doomed as a society based on what this "reality show star," which is scripted no different from how Larry David handled his show on HBO, has to say to a question?
At this point A&E needs Phil a lot more than Phil needs A&E.

He was already a millionaire from the duck call business. You can't go anywhere without seeing some kind if Duck Dynasty merchandise for sale. He has made enough money for 3 lifetimes. He don't care if it is politically correct or not. He was ask a question and answered it honestly. Phil seems to me to be a lot like Charles Barkley. He has an opinion and does not mind voicing it. He also has the nads to stand behind his comments whether you agree or disagree.
I know this subject has already been taken care of and is over, but the one thing that made me think WTF is that A&E knew Phil's religious beliefs when they hired him, so it's not like his take on same sex couples just evolved during the show, so to me for them to suspend him for his comments was ignorant and hypocritical of them
I know this subject has already been taken care of and is over, but the one thing that made me think WTF is that A&E knew Phil's religious beliefs when they hired him, so it's not like his take on same sex couples just evolved during the show, so to me for them to suspend him for his comments was ignorant and hypocritical of them

That's true. Plus, I believe A&E though the public response to the show in general would be to ridicule them and dismiss them as backward. In reality, many identify with their tame approach to reality TV and their faith and family positions. The merchandising is the best proof of that.
I know this subject has already been taken care of and is over, but the one thing that made me think WTF is that A&E knew Phil's religious beliefs when they hired him, so it's not like his take on same sex couples just evolved during the show, so to me for them to suspend him for his comments was ignorant and hypocritical of them

You seen Phil's videos on marrying 15 and 16 year old's.
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