| FTBL Nick Saban outspends his wife for a change, and a good cause

The Sabans give back at Monday Morning Quarterback Club.

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Don't ever say Nick Saban lacks a flair for the dramatic. During his lunchtime visit today with the Birmingham Monday Morning Quarterback Club, the Alabama football coach did something that doesn't happen every day.

He upstaged his wife, Terry.

My spy, a club member who was there, said Terry Saban stood up and told the packed house at the Harbert Center that the Saban family will donate $200,000 over the next five years to the club's main charity, the Crippled Children's Foundation. Her announcement earned a big ovation, at it should have.

Raising money for charity is the best thing the Monday Morning Quarterback Club does.
After Terry spoke, her husband stood up with an announcement of his own.

He said, as long as they've been married, his wife always has outspent him, but he was going to one-up her this time. He said the Sabans would give, not $200,000, but $250,000 over the next five years to the Crippled Children's Foundation.

And, for maybe the first time at a joint appearance, he got a bigger ovation than she did.
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