| FTBL Nebraska spring game


Verified Member
hey, not sure it belongs really in here, but since they had a pretty massive crowed, i gota show some respect to the cornhuskers


LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) -- Joe Ganz has thrown two touchdown passes to lead the Red squad to a 24-14 victory over the Whites in Nebraska's spring football game -- Bo Pelini's first as the Cornhuskers' new coach.

Ganz hit Curenski Gilleylen with a 77-yarder and Marcus Mendoza with a 24-yarder Saturday.

The crowd of 80,149 was a Nebraska record for a spring game and the second largest in college football history behind the 92,000 that showed up at Alabama last spring.

For all the pageantry, the action on the field was controlled. The quarterbacks wore green jerseys, making them off-limits for contact. Pelini coached on the field rather than on the sideline, and a running clock was used in the second half.

thats like 3 times more than the barners had ? :D
Props to the Huskers.

I'm glad to see Nebraska finally have something to get worked up over. I spent a little time in Lincoln and see some similarities between the Tide and the Huskers, and have come to like them.
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