| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Movies Remake or Not to Remake


Bama Fan since 1965 and counting....
List of movies that I don't think should be remake.

1. "IT" How could anyone take the place of Tim Curry as the Clown.

2. "The Naked Gun" I don't see anyone replacing Leslie Nielsen

3. "National Lampoon's Vacation" No Chevy leave it along.

4. "Fletch" Look above No Chevy.

5. "Waterworld" If the new one is about half of the first one. I still would wait till it came on DVD.

6. "Porky" Why

7. "War Games" But today it would take something else, beside playing the computer a game of tick tack toe to stop world being destroy.

8. "Lethal Weapon" with out Mel and Danny and Joe.

9. "Star Is Born" This would be the fourth time it been remade.

10. "SoapDish" to me it wasn't all that good the first time.

Any one that you wouldn't see if it was remade, or any you would like to see remade?
I'm getting tired of the whole remake idea. Case in point, The Great Gatsby. It's my favorite novel, and based on what I've seen in the previews, esp. with Decrapio playing Jay Gatsby, I've asked my wife NOT to get it on Netflix.

Malificent is an interesting idea because it's not a remake. It's just told from a different point of view. I might go see it one day this weekend. OTOH, the Star Wars prequels...WTH???

Movies that we grew up with...Those of us...perhaps 40+ and up that are being remade have today's Hollyweird slant put into them. Rick mentioned War Games. What if Stripes was redone? Same idea...Warren Oates Sgt. Hulka would be demonized for being too much of a hard ass, crap like that.
The Thomas Crown Affair remake lost a lot compared with the original.

I know I am a card carrying member of the OFC, but the latest genre of Star Trek movies leaves me cold.
IT was a hell of a book and by the time I'd seen the movie for the first time the main characters were past their prime (in terms of TV popularity.) I kid you not, when I finished that book I glanced sideways at storm drains for a few days.

Now, as to what @rick4bama says on replacing Tim Curry in that role? If given the opportunity, I think I could put together a pretty damn good cast.

That said, the movie is being remade. The anticipated debut is slated for 2015.

There's good and bad to this remake. The good is they are using the same director who was in charge of True Detective. Fantastic first season!

On the bad end, his comments left me shaking my head just a bit.


Director Cary Fukunaga really made an impact on teh cinematic world with his film SIN NOMBRE, but it’s his latest stint as the director of incredible TV show True Detetctive starring Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson that’s cemented his name on the map. As Collider sat down to speak with the director about the show, they asked a few questions concerning the upcoming adaptation of Stephen King’s IT. Although previously made into a fantastic mini-series with Tim Curry fantastically capturing demonic clown Pennywise, it has never made it to theatres. Fukunaga’s adaptation will be a two-parter for the cinema and he also dropped some info during his interview:

I am in the midst of rewriting the first script now. We’re not working on the second part yet. The first script is just about the kids. It’s more like Goonies meets a horror film.

Anyone familiar with the novel will probably be happy to hear such a comparison, as the novel deals with a group of children ridding the world of IT, whatever IT might be. This also means that the two-part structure will be more like a sequel as the characters must do battle as adults. I like this idea as it means there is a very natural cut-off point for the first part.

Fukunaga also discussed, what many consider to be, the awful ending of the mini-series:

There will be no spider at the end of our movie. We’re definitely honoring the spirit of Stephen King, but the horror has to be modernized to make it relevant. That’s my job, right now, on this pass. I’m working on making the horror more about suspense than visualization of any creatures. I just don’t think that’s scary. What could be there, and the sounds and how it interacts with things, is scarier than actual monsters.
Everything sounds promising so far, but we’re still awaiting official word of a start date for production. Fingers crossed. And is it just me, or would Woody Harrelson make a wonderful Pennywise?


Woody Harrelson in the role of Pennywise? Oh yeah, I could easily see that.
In the end it is simply a game that Hollywood plays with our wallets for the $$$. While doing that they try to update/modernize the original to suit today's generation. In the middle of all this, the studio/director/producers lack the vision to give it the spirit/soul that is needed to pull us into the film. Then again it is said that Hollywood is running out of new ideas, so they are revisiting the past.

Very seldom does a remake work.

Here are a couple lists of remakes. I see very few that were worth it.

BTW,just to add to the previous post, I think there should be a limit on when movies can be remade. By that I mean not until the original has been out for at least, oh maybe, 50 years. Today they can dig into flicks from the 60's or before. In about 5 to 10 years they can revisit the 70's era in movies.
It's my opinion the disappointment with remakes is much like people comparing a book to the screen play. You can't. It's hard not to do—damn near impossible.

Sci-Fi's probably do the best. Have you ever seen the original "The Fly?" Jeff Goldblum and that movie was great!

A few I've liked include;

The Manchurian Candidate (good book as well.)
Assault on Precinct 13
The Departed

I'm sure I can think of others...
Sci-Fi's probably do the best. Have you ever seen the original "The Fly?" Jeff Goldblum and that movie was great!

A few I've liked include;

The Manchurian Candidate (good book as well.)
Assault on Precinct 13
The Departed

I'm sure I can think of others...

Never saw the original with Vincent Price but yeah,the one with Jeff was incredible. Another that exceeded the original was John Carpenter's The Thing. The original was from 1951, The Thing from Another world.
Plus there is another with Jeff Goldblum ,Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978).
@TerryP, I'll give you that one...Can't believe I didn't think of Oceans 11! LOVE that trilogy (True, 12 was a bit out there)! The remake has such a cool vibe to it. I watched the original after I saw the remake. You know...I got, but I like the remake so much better. That one wins!
Vincent Price "The Fly" kept me up. Sorry, I like the first one of Oceans 11. Invasion of the Body Snatchers was a good remake. One more I just remember Steve McQueen in the " The Blob" . All I can say about the remake is it was in color.
We just got back a little while ago from seeing Maleficent. I have seen a lot of good reviews; I've seen a lot of bad reviews. We're sort of...Eh...about it. It wasn't terrible; it wasn't fantastic either. I knew going in that this was being told from her point of view and that Stefan would be the bad guy. I don't want to play spoiler here, but let's just say...When my 19 yo asked me how they could do that, the only answer I could give him was, "By completely changing the story line." Still, it had a lot of really good moments.
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