| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Most disturbing movies

Wait... did Porter say Training Day? lmao am I missing something?

"Antichrist" is easily the most disturbing thing I've ever seen in my life, "August Underground" is pretty insane too (and disgusting). I mean when the director gets arrested for "transporting obscene material" for bringing the movie across the Canadian line it says it all lol
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"We Need to Talk About Kevin" (creepy movie from a few years ago, especially in the wake of recent school shootings and whatnot. A little kid kills his classmates and the mother comes to terms with it, trying to find out why)
"Clockwork Orange" (first saw this when I was about 12. That may be why it weirds me out so much)
"Requiem for a Dream" (this movie used to really frighten me. I had a few family members who battled drug addiction so maybe it hits close to home)
"Un Chien Andalou" (saw this in a film studies class .. there is an eyeball sliced open with a razor. 'nuff said)

I've heard of a movie called "Salo: 120 Days of Sodom" that is supposed to be unwatchable. It involves kidnap and horrific public torture.

Oh, and "Serbian Film" is supposed to be vomit-inducing.

Any Dario Argento fans here? Lol
Wait... did Porter say Training Day? lmao am I missing something?

"Antichrist" is easily the most disturbing thing I've ever seen in my life, "August Underground" is pretty insane too (and disgusting). I mean when the director gets arrested for "transporting obscene material" for bringing the movie across the Canadian line it says it all lol

Yo, that was Chop! I realize it's been a while, but I just now saw this so I had to correct the record... :icon_lol:
Hands down: RED TO KILL (1994) an extreme Hong Kong exploitation film made during the peak of Hong Kong's foray into envelope pushing exploitation. It's about a seemingly kind and gentle doctor with a childhood mother fixation who works in a Hong Kong hospital for mentality handicapped young people. But when ever he see's a woman (even a patient) wearing "Red" he turns into a savage serial rapist beyond belief. Further horror arises when he becomes enamoured for a new patient, an attractive young woman named Ming Ming (whose mentally not much older than 12) and who unknowingly one day wears RED!!! RED TO KILL is absolutely horrific and offensive on so many levels, it makes I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE look tame by comparison. YouTube has it. Subtitled in English.

An oldie from the late seventies. "The Other Side of Midnight". Many years back, in my single days. especially depressing considering the young lady I was dating at the time.
I watched "The Butterfly Effect" last night and it was pretty disturbing.

But which alternate endings did you like?

The theatrical ending shows Evan passing Kayleigh on the sidewalk, he sees her, and recognizes her, but keeps walking.

The "happy ending" alternate ending shows Evan and Kayleigh stopping on the sidewalk when they cross paths. They introduce themselves and Evan asks her out for coffee.[15]

The open-ended alternate ending is similar to the one where Evan and Kayleigh pass each other on the sidewalk and keep walking, except this time Evan, after hesitating, turns and follows Kayleigh.[16] This ending was utilized in the film's novelization, written by James Swallow and published by Black Flame.

The director's cut alternate ending shows Evan turning on the home movies, only this time instead of watching a home movie at a neighborhood gathering, he's watching the video of his own birth. He travels back to when he is about to be born and commits suicide by strangling himself with his own umbilical cord. Therefore he was never there to change the timeline in the first place and explains why Evan's mother had two still-born children before him.
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