| FTBL Miles meeting with Michigan


Verified Member
...after the SECCG? So, do you think Les will start walking north before the last seconds tick off the clock?

All I can say is Michigan will be making a mistake something akin to Hinkley drumming up a brilliant idea to get Jody Foster's attention. :lol:
shiloh said:
...after the SECCG? So, do you think Les will start walking north before the last seconds tick off the clock?

Les couldn't find north with a compass... but I'm sure Michigan will have someone on the ground in Atlanta to get him there.
shiloh said:
...after the SECCG? So, do you think Les will start walking north before the last seconds tick off the clock?

All I can say is Michigan will be making a mistake something akin to Hinkley drumming up a brilliant idea to get Jody Foster's attention. :lol:


I am not sure that Michigan will offer him just yet, just my opinion. If they do offer him, I believe he is gone.
shiloh said:
...after the SECCG? So, do you think Les will start walking north before the last seconds tick off the clock?

All I can say is Michigan will be making a mistake something akin to Hinkley drumming up a brilliant idea to get Jody Foster's attention. :lol:

If the game goes into overtime, he probably won't even stay for that. He's old school, baby. No OT for him!
I read an AP report that Michigan has already asked permission to speak with Les and LSU stipulated they can talk after the SECCG. I'm sure Les smiled so hard that he can noe eat corn through a picket row fence.
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