Or two.
First and foremost. If I'm a pirate, do I go to jail for the spoils of war when it's fentanyl? Or, kilo's of cocaine?
On more of a serious note. There are mercenary groups in European theaters. The groups do have citizens of this country. I'd be willing to bet there's a guy named Billy who seriously messed up someone's week, last week. Prolly from Texas. You know the type.
If they can operate with immunity in Ukraine, why not Mexico? (Immunity may not be the word I'll looking for here.)
First and foremost. If I'm a pirate, do I go to jail for the spoils of war when it's fentanyl? Or, kilo's of cocaine?
On more of a serious note. There are mercenary groups in European theaters. The groups do have citizens of this country. I'd be willing to bet there's a guy named Billy who seriously messed up someone's week, last week. Prolly from Texas. You know the type.
If they can operate with immunity in Ukraine, why not Mexico? (Immunity may not be the word I'll looking for here.)