šŸˆ Mark Ingram for QB!!!


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Was walking next to Mark and who I think was Brad Lester today near Gorgas... MI was eating an apple, and upon seeing a squirrel on a tree, mark bit off a piece and threw it, not hard, at the squirrel. He hit it right in it's side, the kill shot area. The squirrel didn't get hurt, or even run off, but Mark did. When it hit the animal, Mark let out a high pitched scream and ran away. It was hilarious.

Dude's got accuracy!!!
My cousin swears to this day that this story is true. In the 1963-1964 school year he was living in a basement apartment in one of those old, run down boarding houses that used to be across the street from then Denny Stadium. After the 1963 Auburn game, Joe Namath got in touble with Coach Bryant and got kicked out of the athletic dorm. During his exile he lived in the other basement apartment in that boarding house. He said that Namath's favorite past time was sitting in a folding chair in the hall at one end and skewering the plentiful cock roaches running at the other end of the hall, about fifteen feet away, with darts, while drinking beer. He said Joe rarely missed. Athletes at that level just have unbelievable hand-eye coordination, apparently including Ingram.
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