| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Mad Max : Fury Road - May 15, 2015


Crimson Freak


Took in 50+ mills this weekend what I read today.

That was only the domestic numbers. Worldwide it did over $100M.


Total Lifetime Grosses
Domestic: $44,440,000 40.6%
+ Foreign: $65,000,000 59.4%
= Worldwide: $109,440,000

With only a production budget of $150M, that is pretty darn good. I wouldn't be surprised if they go ahead and greenlit a sequel.
That was only the domestic numbers. Worldwide it did over $100M.


Total Lifetime Grosses
Domestic: $44,440,000 40.6%
+ Foreign: $65,000,000 59.4%
= Worldwide: $109,440,000

With only a production budget of $150M, that is pretty darn good. I wouldn't be surprised if they go ahead and greenlit a sequel.
Mel did have a few sequel didn't he.
Was planning to go see it Friday but ran out of time with preparations for my daughters 18th birthday. Today I turned 43 so my wife and I caught an early show. What can I say except it was fully what I expected, a gorgeous two hour car chase full of explosions, a bungie-cord-flame-thrower guitarist, and just enough plot to keep it all together. I will be buying it on BluRay when it comes out so I can watch it during those times when I want to turn my brain off and stare at something fun. If you are the type of person who needs a lot of dialogue and some big story with a lot of meaning to enjoy a movie, please do not go see this. This is for folks who just want to watch some craziness on screen and enjoy the spectacle. There is story here, but it is all secondary. And Max is not the primary character in this really. The story happens around him, and it is seen through his eyes mainly, but it is not his story.
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