| CURRENT EVENTS Love him or hate him, Dave Portnoy is doing good work...

Brandon Van de Graaff

A defensive deity, inventor of the Concussion.
Personally, I'm a fan of the dude simply because I find him to be entertaining (the pizza reviews are great). Also gained respect for him when the Cancelers came for him and he told them to kiss his ass. But, whatever your thoughts are on him, you can't deny his latest project is super cool. He started a fund to raise money for small businesses who are going under due to COVID restrictions, mostly restaurants, but not all. They money will be used to pay staff, bills, etc. for the businesses for as long as the restrictions are in place.

Here is the Tweet/video that started it all...

They've raised nearly $8,000,000 since and have covered 32 small businesses...

Here is a montage video of some of the folks they've helped so far...
Good for him for doing good work in helping people out.

It could've all been avoided if politicians hadn't been so damn scared and/or over-bearing (as they always are).
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