| CURRENT EVENTS Los Angeles is painting its streets white to keep the city cool (at $40,000 a mile)

Liberal stupidity knows no limit. They will need a grant to clean the waste water after it rains and washes into the storm drain. Looking for a federal handout.
what i find hilarious is that the state is basically broke, yet they seem to have enough money for crap liked this. and then the citizens will complain about how high their taxes are.

and with their government doing stupid shit like this, it's not wonder why. yet they keep electing the same morons and then keep bitching about the same things.
Had a guy on my team about 5-6 years ago who lived in San Franv(remote worker). Flat out told me they would never be able to live there if his family had not owned that house since he was young. Mind you he made close to $95K by himself back then.
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