just bought a syma S107 helicopter


on amazon for $19. damn this thing is a blast, kids and I are crashing this thing all over the place.


anyone into RC stuff - thing has me wanting a big toy now...

I have brick in my house, it's been bounced off the walls, floor, brick and still works like a champ. I got the one that fits into the palm of your hand, I now want a bigger one - its challenging to fly so far, I'm getting alot better at it.

easily already worth the $19 I spent. only last for about 5-7 mins after a 40-50 min charge.

I'm purposely running this into the wall at the beginning to show you.

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OK, you sold me on it! :D. You seem to fly it pretty good. I know I'll bash one up in no time but as long as it takes a beating and you can't go wrong for $19.

And WTF with the blood dumping??!! Crazy!!!
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