| FOOD In every home the food/cooking seems to fall on one person. Is that the case in your house?


Case scenario's: A good friend of mine handles 99.9% of the food shopping and cooking in his household. Granted, he's on disability due to a back injury while his wife works full time, but I mention him for a reason. It's a guy in the kitchen.

Another only touches the grill and meats associated with grilling and smoking. His neighbor, who works full time as does his wife, handles 100% of his family. And, yet others, are pretty evenly split.

@RollllTide! mentioned a food forum the other day in the thread about site updates. It led me to wonder how many of the folks here spend a lot of time with food.
So, that means you're cooking and shopping for every meal...lord only knows what "I'm off work" means in your world.

Clarifying: my wife usually cooks because I'm working so much at night. Unless I'm off. Then I do the cooking, unless she already has a meal planned.

If I were home more at night, we'd split the load. Hell, I enjoy cooking so much I'd probably cook MORE than she does..
I've been referred to as a "BBQ Maestro"... but when NOT on the grill/smoker, I'm probably best at pasta- spaghetti, lasagna, etc. My panko -breaded chicken tenders are pretty nice also.

And desserts. Good lord, desserts. My peanut butter pie is killer. I also "hacked" Zoe's kitchen's chocolate chip cookie recipe and got my version pretty damn close.
I've been referred to as a "BBQ Maestro"... but when NOT on the grill/smoker, I'm probably best at pasta- spaghetti, lasagna, etc. My panko -breaded chicken tenders are pretty nice also.

And desserts. Good lord, desserts. My peanut butter pie is killer. I also "hacked" Zoe's kitchen's chocolate chip cookie recipe and got my version pretty damn close.
post a recipe or two. dont be stingy
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