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A couple of things here Maze...

  1. I'd like to see the entire thread those comments were taken from just to see the context of the post.  Yes, I realize I'm asking for a link to something Auburn related and I'll beat myself with a zanjeer zani.  But still, I'll likely have more comments after I read that thread.
  2. "You also got to remember that cool guy was unveiling a new offense."  That one does crack me up.  This new offense debuted around 50 years ago when a team lined up against another team, was more physical, and just ran the ball until they couldn't stop it.  Damn, the innovation is astounding.  Revolutionary, I tell ya, Revolutionary!
  3. "...even though Clemson watched plenty film on that OC, it's hard to get a feel for that OC with a different team." 

    Damn, don't you hate it when facts get in the way of conjecture? 

    Alabama ran the ball 62.5% of the time Saturday.
    Last year, Fresno State ran the ball 62.1% of the time.

    I'm not making those stats up.  Exactly the same pass to run ratio.
  4. "Now there is plenty of film for opposing DC to watch so let's just see how they do the rest of the way."

    That's the one I love the most.  This nugget is from players on our team and from staff members on our team.  "We barely scratched the surface of what we've installed on offense."

  5. Yes, it's the same team that had played an ENTIRE season and were battle ready to play us in ATL...NOT the overhyped and most likely, OVER CONFIDENT team, that showed up against cool guy last night.

    Maybe, hopefully, this will make sense to me later on today.  Right now, with just a sip of coffee, I just don't understand what this guy is trying to say.

    Perhaps, one of you guys that have been up longer today that I am right now could explain this in more detail.
  6.   Perhaps, if someone were to share this with this Auburnite, it might make sense to him.

    Remember when Pat Dye said that Alabama wasn't man enough to beat Georgia 5 years ago?  Well, Clemson wasn't man enough to beat Alabama Saturday night. 

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