I made a record with my brother...


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I figured i would let you guys know who are into music that I went out west to colorado a few weeks back and played guitar parts for my brother's new record. Ben Pasley is his name. Residue is the name of the record.

Here is the iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/residue/id745038492

here's a little info and write up on the record. if you really like it, jump on iTunes and write a review. that really helps us with placement and stuff like such as.

Album: Residue
Artist: Ben Pasley
Situation: Back from the Dead
Please enjoy Ben Pasley's new solo rock album, Residue, his first rock offering in many, many years.

Fast Bio
Ben Pasley, the artist behind the '90's alt-rock duo 100 Portraits, and the best selling Enter The Worship Circle series of recordings which sold well over 100,000 records in the last decade, has released an entirely different kind of album. His southern rock soul--which is always yelling Free Bird--has finally found a place to grow in the songs of pain and struggle on this solo album. Ben set out to revive the sounds of '70's vintage rock in the vein of Tom Petty--when artists still played their instruments, and drummers didn't play to click tracks. The name of the album is Residue. It gives voice to those who are lonely and are struggling and need a soundtrack for a better life…and those kinds of voices never need pitch correction of fancy studio production tricks. His youngest brother, Jeff Pasley, played brilliant southern blues, soaring slide, and even the rarely heard grinds of the dobro to give the album its unique sound. Ben's unique ability to bring emotion to the vocal lines is heard on both the lead vocals and the background vocals. He said, "Well, I wanted to hire some black girls to really rip it up, but I live in the high country of Colorado and that kind of talent is hard to come buy…so I just sang it all myself." For many this musical offering will be a shocking change in direction after a decade of producing roots-folk music with hand drums and acoustic guitars, but Ben Pasley is set on a new course of writing and producing music that comes from the spaces in his own heart…apparently, in this case, his heart is full of southern food and an occasional bar fight between Led Zeppelin and Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Taste a Single
For a quick taste listen to this track from Soundcloud, a private link just for you: https://soundcloud.com/benpasley/my-baby/s-ASRmu He writes the song MY BABY to outline the sad state of affairs in his own life when running away from hurt and problems left him worse off than when he faced them head on. "My baby is regret…she's hungry for some hate…the milk of bitter memories makes the stomach ache…my baby won't stop crying."

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