| FTBL Hey gang, fundraiser update

  • Thread starter imported_porkchop
  • Start date


Hey gang,

I'll post some pics tonight, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I sent out 3 packages today filled with snacks like jerky, canned goods, crackers, cookies, single use lemonade packets, etc.

The cost came to $48.00 so we've used about $150 of our $240 that we've raised so far. If anyone is interested in sending in a donation please check the stickied thread in the Veterans Forum. What I would also like is letters if anyone is interested in writing one. You can send it to me via PM and you can simply address them to Armstrong or to Delta Company. You don't have to be specific. I think those guys over there would love to get some news from home, football recruiting, politics, ect. Remember that these guys are not in a position to get ESPN or CNN so their access to info is limited.

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know what was going on there. I think we'll suspend the fundraiser shortly and then pick it back up for Christmas maybe.
Hey Keith, I really appreciate you and your wife taking the time to do this. I also want to thank all the members who have donated to this project. I'm sure there are gonna be a few soldiers overseas who will greatly appreciate this effort.

Now folks, what I'm getting ready to say, Keith had no part in it; but his post did get me thinking--

Before Porkchop wraps up the program, we should make one last concerted effort and push to raise the pot.

Listen, we have 3001 folks signed up as members on this site (and granted many are not regulars), but if we had only 10% of our membership willing to give up a couple cokes or cups of coffee for one week and send in that $2.00, just look at how much money would be raised for our military personnel.

I know things may be tight with the way the economy is right now, but I also know it wouldn't take much for you to give up something for a day or week that you normally would spend a couple bucks on. Just imagine what that simple, little act could mean to one of our servicepersons.

Consider the sacrifices these individuals are making for us and our country. Here is a great way to show your appreciation and support for America's finest.

God Bless!

Besides, I want to keep Porkchop so busy shopping and shipping for another month that he doesn't have time to prepare for his fantasy baseball draft. :wink:
bear facts said:
Hey Keith, I really appreciate you and your wife taking the time to do this. I also want to thank all the members who have donated to this project. I'm sure there are gonna be a few soldiers overseas who will greatly appreciate this effort.

Now folks, what I'm getting ready to say, Keith had no part in it; but his post did get me thinking--

Before Porkchop wraps up the program, we should make one last concerted effort and push to raise the pot.

Listen, we have 3001 folks signed up as members on this site (and granted many are not regulars), but if we had only 10% of our membership willing to give up a couple cokes or cups of coffee for one week and send in that $2.00, just look at how much money would be raised for our military personnel.

I know things may be tight with the way the economy is right now, but I also know it wouldn't take much for you to give up something for a day or week that you normally would spend a couple bucks on. Just imagine what that simple, little act could mean to one of our servicepersons.

Consider the sacrifices these individuals are making for us and our country. Here is a great way to show your appreciation and support for America's finest.

God Bless!

Besides, I want to keep Porkchop so busy shopping and shipping for another month that he doesn't have time to prepare for his fantasy baseball draft. :wink:

I'll just let the computer draft for me and I'll end up winning the league. :D
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